What is VO2 Max

Lara just asked a great question so I’ve answered it – I’m in the mood today

What is VO2 Max and does it relate to watts?

VO2 Max is simple. Nothing directly to do with watts. It’s all to do with the amount of oxygen you can process during exercise. This is refereed to as VO2 Max

V = Volume & O2 being oxygen. This is expressed in litres per minute.

The harder you work then the more oxygen you will need to be delivered to the working muscles. At a certain point for everyone, the body becomes unable to deliver enough oxygen to the working muscles due to enzyme activity so you then start to produce lactic acid. This as you know stops you from maintaining that output of energy.

Improving the body’s ability to work needs to have certain physiological changes to take place. so we are talking about increasing the capillary network over the muscles, improving the size of the veins & arteries meaning more blood which carries oxygen around the body can be moved around the body, increasing the size (hypertrophy) of the heart (pump) then in turn there is a great chance of improving Vo2 Max.

Average is around 35-40 litres per min or VO2 Max. Bigger the heart & improve capillaries etc then your VO2 Max will be higher
50+ is great.
Elite are 70+. Look at the picture below to see all time daddy’s
NB: there is a natural decline with age. Above is a middle of the road male / female guide

How can I measure my VO2 Max?
Popping to a lab to be test is one option. This can be performed on a bike or treadmill to suit your specific area of focus. They will monitor a wide variety of values from HR, O2, CO2, lactate changes etc etc. Cheaper alternate? The multi stage fitness test or aka bleep test is a cheap easy option & is recognised to give a great indication. Each level has been tested at Harvard Uni and will take between 10-16mins of your life on average. Each level equates to a certain number of litres per minute in order to sustain that speed. This is then a easy indication to your current. VO2 Max.

The picture below gives you an indication to top end VO2 scores.

The top male VO2max scores ever recorded

The top male VO2max scores ever recorded