Race Report: Marit Sõrmus

Event: The ROC England
Date: 7th September 2024

1.5km swim Lake Windermere > 46km cycle > 18km run/walk Scafell Pike > 46km cycle > 1km run

We knew exactly what was coming and mentally it made this race very difficult because after last year, we said we would not do it again but here we were, back in the Lake District ready to face up the mountain…again!

This time was a little different as we were missing 2 of our original ROC crew but Lara and I knew we just had to get it done. Game time!

Race morning wasn’t as smooth as one would have hoped with Lara’s cold not getting any better and instead of coffee she had to have Lemsip, and me panicking at the race start because I forgot my cycling sunglasses and had to borrow Chris’s (Thank you!) for the bike leg.

Swim started the same as last year, ouch ouch ouch over the stones but the water temp was good and we were pretty much high-fiving each other all the way to the second buoy when for whatever reason people decided breaststroke was a cool stroke to do during a race. Lara got bashed about a bit and we lost sight of each other but as I got into transition she was swiftly behind me and ready to hit the first bike leg. Quick fist pump and positive reassurance that we are in it together, off we went!

All was good until I dropped my chain on a climb, lost Lara, and wasn’t sure if I could continue because the chain was stuck. After a bit of bashing about, and a few swear words, I got back on the bike. Arriving at T2 and seeing Lara smile I knew she had a good bike leg and managed to avoid the discomfort and pain she was in last year.

Trainers and mountain bag on, off we went to summit Scafell Pike. It was hot, insanely hot in the valley, and as we started climbing Lara started to feel worse with her cold and my stomach felt like it was going to explode. One foot in front of the other and Lemsip washed down with electrolyte water (for Lara), we got to the first flat bit and thought we wouldn’t be too sad if we missed the 6km cutoff and couldn’t summit. That didn’t happen, we got to the checkpoint with 20 minutes to spare which meant it was time for Percy Pigs to help us power through what was to come.

The last 2km is HARD! but we got to the summit. A quick look up to take on the views, photo, smile, and off we went back down. This is where my mind struggled because I knew I could do the mountain and be okay but the 2nd bike leg broke me last time so instantly negative chat started in my head and the feelings I experienced last year rushed back. Powered by positive chats with Lara and a few other people who overtook us, we made it down. Got to T3 and I said, “Oh Lara look, there are other bikes here as well, we are not the last this time,” followed by a response from her, “Let’s go and catch the others, come on!”

On the bike, final push, and my goodness me what a push it was! Grateful for Lara’s power bum and legs, dragging me all the way from T3 to T4. It was hilarious, whenever she saw another competitor she just said “Let’s go, we can catch them, one more” and she would put her head down and I would try to hold on to her wheel as if my life depended on it. Even though there were times when Lara soft-pedalled (I know you did :D) we overtook so many people on our way back it was insane!

Utterly exhausted but empowered after getting to the end of the bike together we dismounted to the cheers from Chris and other people there. Last transition, trainers on and off we went for our 1km trail loop, chatting away and laughing at what a rollercoaster of a day we had had.

We started together and we finished together! It wasn’t the same with Laurence and Lance not being there but I was super chuffed with our performance (and for me not crying this time!)

Two down, one to go! Scotland and Ben Nevis, we are coming for you!