Race Report: Tim Ferguson

Event – TCS London Marathon
Date – 21st April 2024

Boarding the train at Surbiton it felt as if the event had already begun, with the train heaving with supporters and runners, everyone in a relaxed mood.

Arriving at Blackheath and the scale of the event really unfolded. This is a huge park and it was overwhelmed by a sea of runners.

The advice from the expo was to join a queue for the portaloo and by the time you reach the front, you’ll need it, good advice.

At 10:28 my wave started and despite all the advice, I went off harder than I’d planned. After 10km I settled into a rhythm and maintained a consistent pace until about 32km, then it drifted slightly for the last 10km.

The event itself is truly magnificent, having spectated many many times, I had no idea how inspiring the crowd would be. Tower Bridge is just jaw-droppingly incredible. It’s hard to express how overwhelming the sounds and sights that confront you as you turn onto the bridge are. I wanted to stop and take it all in, but I also wanted to break 4 hours…

Between miles 17 and 20 was the first time I began to really feel the fatigue and for the first time was concerned that my pace was dipping and that breaking 4 hours would now be a struggle. In reality, although my pace did drop, it wasn’t by nearly as much as I thought and there had been nothing to worry about.

Running down the embankment and scanning for Big Ben, knowing that it would be a right turn followed by a left turn then 380 yards to the finish. To my surprise, the famous clock didn’t really come into view until quite late, about mile 25. That last right turn was a turning point, finishing was guaranteed and sub 4 hours seemed extremely likely. Again the noise was like nothing I’d ever experienced, and the energy from the crowd carried me through to the finish. However my first question upon receiving my medal, and what a magnificent medal it is, was to ask how to withdraw my ballot entry for next year!

Reflecting on this race, it is unquestionably an unforgettable experience, if you were there and cheered on random strangers then thank you, it means the world to us.

London Marathon 2024 Tim Ferguson
London Marathon 2024 Tim Ferguson
London Marathon 2024 Tim Ferguson

Event Report: Euan Robertson

Event – Paris-Roubaix Challenge
Date – 6th April 2024

Riders – 4500 riders
Bike – Road/Gravel/MTB

This is a sportive event the day before the pro riders take on the “Hell of the North!” There are 3 route options – 70km / 145km / 170km. The 170km route requires a 4am bus to the start so I sensibly opted for the 145km route which starts and finishes in the same place.

I rode to the event from Calais – bike on the ferry was easy and the riding was very flat and scenic in northern France! The day of the event was great – first 50km were flat and was easy group riding on good roads until you then hit the first cobbles – the Arenberg Forest. This is the first of 19 cobbles sections varying in difficulty. When you get on it – it hurts!!! And it is hard to even keep hold of the handlebars. It gives you a true appreciation for how hard it is which really cannot be explained until you experience it yourself. On the Arenberg you can ride down the side and skip the cobbles if it is too much – but not on many of the other sections. This really is a baptism of fire because it is definitely the hardest sector. I used my gravel bike but many were on road bikes or on MTBs for the event.

As the day goes on and you hit more cobbles you start to ease your grip and find your technique, so in some ways it gets a bit easier as you go on but it is still hard going. The tarmac between the cobbles is essentially rest time for the next cobbles.

After 163km and just over 6 hours of riding I arrived in the famous Velodrome. It is a huge sense of achievement when you get there and a great atmosphere. Most of the Belgians heading straight to the beer and chips stands!

One of the best things about the event is then having the pleasure of watching the pro riders on the Sunday. The atmosphere is fantastic. I saw them from 2 locations and rode between them quickly – in Cysoing just as they hit the cobbles there and then at the end of the Carrefour de l’Abre which is the last 5* section. The Carrefour de l’Abre had a big screen up to watch but it was packed so arguably I got a better view in Cysoing where it was much quieter.

All in all a fantastic event and if you make a weekend out of it – you really will love it! Can’t recommend it enough.

Ps. If you wanted a longer trip you could also combine with some of the classic Flanders climbs too. Koppenberg, Pattenberg and Oude de Kwaremont are all close by.

Event Report: Lexie Williamson

Event – The Spring Onion 
Date – 14th April 2024

A group of Viceroys gathered on Sunday, April 14th to ride one of the staple events on the Pink’s calendar: the Spring Onion sportive.

This early season event is in its 15th year and didn’t disappoint. We rode 106.95 kms across Surrey and Sussex roads under blue skies and tackled over 1000m of climbing.

Most roads were lovely and quiet but a few smaller ones were better suited to the gravel bike! A couple of punctures, free orange halves (interesting half orange techniques observed) and a good few wees in fields. Happy days!

Entries to the 2025 event are already live, click here.

Event Report: Clint & Gary Parker-Ticehurst

Event – The New Forest Classic
Date – 14th April 2024

A unique ride through the beautiful New Forest National Park. The ride starts in Fawley and traverses some of the most stunning countryside in the UK.

Your choice of 4 distances; Rook 17km, Short 53km, middle 92km or long 127km. We decided on the middle distance.

We arrived early and found ample parking onsite. Registration was simple and once we had gathered all our kit we headed to the small event village before making our way to the start line. Each distance had its own starting wave and ours was 08:45 to 09:30. Just after 08:45 we started our ride and headed into the National Park.

The ride really does have it all. You descend to Lepe and ride a short distance along the coast with spectacular views over The Solent and the Isle of Wight. Following on from this you then head into the heart of the New Forest traversing villages and country roads.

It’s a great atmosphere as you are joined by riders of all abilities and ages. Some riders will stop to take in the ambience of their surroundings while others will push on to beat their PBs.

What really makes this ride special is the abundance of wildlife. From beautiful bird song to pigs, cows, ponies and donkeys. The animals roam free across the park and will often be in or close to the road so you will need to keep your eyes open. We all know what being stuck behind a cyclist is like but try being stuck behind a donkey. I must say though the animals have more road sense than me and as long as you pass wide and slow they are not a problem.

During our ride we had one feed station which was sponsored by High-Five. Providing drinks, cake, crisps, gels and bars. Toilets were also available.

This is a brilliant event for all ages and abilities. It’s a rolling course with 3 main climbs. Nothing too challenging. Alongside the climbs are some fairly fast downhill sections. Just keep your eye out for potholes. Some of the roads are narrow with blind bends so be aware of your positioning.

We returned to the finish line content after a lovely morning ride and were greeted by a beer and medal, which rounded the morning off nicely. Would definitely do this event again.

Race Report – Gary & Clint 14 April 2024
Race Report – Gary & Clint 14 April 2024
Race Report – Gary & Clint 14 April 2024
Race Report – Gary & Clint 14 April 2024
Race Report – Gary & Clint 14 April 2024

Race Report: Marit Sõrmus

Event – La Saint Antoninoise
Date – 10th March 2024

First ever MTB event and what a location for it, beautiful French countryside in the Saint-Antonion-Noble-Val. Was I nervous, for sure! Especially after realising the town is in the gorge of Aveyron and seeing the cliffs that surround it and apparently I’m supposed to cycle up 😂

3 distances to choose from 30, 41 and 60km. Thought I could do 60km, changed my mind very quickly and did 41. Well just under as I had a mechanical and couldn’t do the last climb but never the less it was EPIC.

The scenery was breathtaking, sometimes I had enough of looking up so decided to take a closer look at the mud (you will see in the photos) and one time I decided that I needed a little dip so when crossing the water I laid down for a few seconds 🤣

Got to the end thanks to friends waiting for me, swapping bikes at times and laughing with me and at times at me 😄

The most important word I learnt that weekend was ravitos (feed station), and they were amazing, bread/pate and all sorts of other snacks… so good and welcomed with big smiles!

In the end, organisers put together a meal and you enjoy it with your fellow cyclists (and hikers). Perfect day spent in nature!

Merci Beaucoup to @ussa.vtt.saintantonin for organising such a great event!

Race Report – The Spring Onion

The report…

The Spring Onion is a cracking local event of 65 miles (104.5 km in Triathlon speak). Run by Dudley of 50/34 events it is good value too.

Starting in Cobham town centre at a gentle 8:15 am (and how easy is that?) we rolled out like a marauding group of Viking Raiders. Dodging Nannies in Range Rovers heading for their skinny latte take outs, riders of all shapes & sizes were at 150% of FTP in the gentle upward drag to Effingham and White Down. I took the chance to snuggle up behind some of the ‘fuller figured’ riders to save the limited watts I had so far accumulated this season.

By the time we were in ‘The Street’ in Effingham the group of 50 odd was down to 15 or so, as we got going on the drag up past St Theresa’s to White Down. At White Down we are down to 10 riders – 8 Dynamos plus 2 including me.

By the top of Leith we are 7.

We then head out into the real Surrey & Sussex countryside, up Smokejack Hill & past pubs called ‘Badger’s Spleen’ and ‘Ocelot’s Nipple’ where local farming types with bugger-grip side-burns will later be sat drinking Old Thumper. From the back of my group the view looks great, sprawling country homes for the fishing and shooting types.

Wisborough Green is where the halfway feed station is at. The trouble is we get there too fast, & they are not yet set up! In any event we have no plans to stop for snacks, and trundle past looking serious. I am already starting to suppress the need to wee. Being over 50 this is a big disadvantage, as whilst it is well-documented muscles waste faster as we age, it is also seemingly true that your bladder gets much smaller. Mine seems to be about as big (or small?) as a walnut as I try to think about anything else.

I venture the idea of a stop but nobody else is keen as they are all too young, and still have bladders the size of grapefruits.

At the Foxbridge Lane climb we lose a Dynamo as he goes shooting out the back. I bet he stops to pee, lucky thing.

Two fast riders then breeze past. WTF?

I realise that there is no way I can keep up and let them go, but two of our crew try in vain to keep up, and waste some energy. By Hascombe Hill the two speedsters are long gone (to eventually finish 1st & 2nd). I tell myself they are young and don’t have proper jobs, wives, families, cats or dogs, so can train a lot more. If nothing else it stops me thinking about having a wee.

At Hascombe Hill we also lose another Dynamo out the back, so now we are down to 5 (3 Dynamos plus Jonathan from Cadence, and me). I almost get a nose bleed by venturing to the front, & thankfully before too long we arrive at Coombe via Bramley, Chilworth & Albury. Up Coombe I am having to back off, the other guys are all bigger & gravity is taking its toll. I suspect their larger bladders don’t help here, they could have been so much lighter had we stopped to wee.

There is no point in riding off to get away, as from the top of Coombe it is all downhill as we scream down Green Dene, into Effingham and then Cobham. Again time to be in a group and to know you need to do that before you start the ride. I am now on & off the front with Jonathan, pulling as fast as my little legs can go. We scream into Cobham which is now very busy. Range Rovers are again everywhere, as Davinia & Claudia head for extra Ballet & Piers & Miles are dropped off at the Skate Park. We avoid any collisions and I let the guys roll in ahead, as that is good rider etiquette having sucked their wheels like Linda Lovelace!

Dudley has, as always, put on great post-ride snacks & pasta. After pi$$ing like a racehorse I scoff down loads of protein (as well as some junkier stuff) and chat to the guys I rode with, who are all lovely. We work out we placed 3rd to 7th (with me in 7th). I ponder suggesting an over 50’s category for 2017 and then roll home.

Lessons from the day?

Racecraft in cycling events includes knowing when to push, and when to sit in (& hide). For a fast time in this event you need to be with a good group after the top of Leith Hill, as from there it is flatter for long periods. Therefore, know your route in advance, so in this instance pushing hard early actually worked well. Conversely start too slow & you spend the ride with a weaker slower group, who will rely on you to do more of the heavy lifting. Choosing not to stop at the feeds in shorter events, especially when the weather is cool can save time too. Having a powermeter helps hugely, as if you ‘know your numbers’ you are less likely to blow to pieces and can become more skilled at conserving power to use it when needed. To know your numbers you ideally need a coach, for me that has been the best money spent in cycling!

There were some other Viceroys there, so they too should write up how they got on?

Have a good season everyone, you can do more than you think you can!

Race results can be found here.


Race Report – St Neots – British Sprint Championships

FullSizeRenderWith over 900 people descending on St Neots and the river Ouse for a triple header for British Championship honours and world & European qualifiers, the best of the best where looking to set a marker at the beginning of the season. I was off in the fourth wave with over 170 across two age groups. In 13.5 degrees the swim was hectic and cold. I struggled over the first 375m to find any rhythm and unfortunately gave away a little distance to a couple of strong swimmers. Not phased I turned back upstream and closed the gap.

With a fast T1 I moved into third place and throughout the course of the ride I could see the top two in the distance. Over the final 5km I closed the gap and moved into second but the overall winner had also pushed on. As we came into T2 I was side by side to the other athlete. A solid transition I looked to exit transition and focus on my run. The other guy flew out and got a small gap. I wasn’t concerned as I was moving well off a hard bike so I was confident I would catch him. Which I did at the end of lap 1. I looked to maintain the pace knowing it was good enough to catch him and save some for the final 1km. I pushed hard and set my best run split to date and came on in 2nd place and AG Silver medalist. I’ve beaten the winner before but on this day he was the better man and well deserved – I will get him next time.
Although I’d already qualified for the worlds, it was nice gain a silver medal and also my European place for Lisbon 2016. The season now can progress with everything nicely in place

Thanks for your support and I will be back in touch after my next race at Eton Dorney


Race Report – Mark Yeoman – Ocean Lake Triathlon

And so the 2015 season starts…

After an amazing 2014 season which saw me win nice races and culminate with finish 6th overall at the grand final in Edmonton. 2015 is all about building slowly for grand final in the Windy City -Chicago where I have already qualified for based on being the top British athlete from the 2014 final.

Winter has been good with plenty of hours spent in the pool, on the WattBike & running. My focus is clearly my weakness – the run so I’ve worked hard to strengthen up those legs ahead of the season.

On Saturday 25th April i dipped my toe into an icy 14degree lake in Kent for the Ocean Lake Triathlon. I settled into a steady pace in the swim but getting into the cold lake for the first time I was someone rusty and gave away a few metres on one guy. Not getting stressed he exited the water just ahead of me & as I eased out a low 10min swim which was pleasing considering the water temperature. Flying through T1 setting the fastest transition I took the lead and never looked back. I had cycled to feeling as my Garmin zoned out as I couldn’t get my cadence sensor amass the others in transition when setting up. Using the WattBike has help increase my power & cadence so I eased to the fastest bike split on a tricky course due to the windy & damp conditions. I had a little gap over 2nd and looked to settled into a nice pace on the run but with ice cold feet this was hard. On the 2nd lap 2nd place had gained but not as much as I’d presumed.  I looked to overtake those on their first lap to hide but at 4km he pulled alongside. I looked to hold close and over the final few hundred metres he put a spurt on to pip me by  9seconds. A solid 2nd place overall and good hit out to break the season in.

Two weeks to build into the first qualifier of the season where I can see who’s who’s ahead of the grand final.


Race Report – Colette Kitterhing

If anyone wants to plan a “bucket list” early season race then I can highly recommend Cannes.

There are 2 distances, I did the “medium” 1k swim, 40k ride and 8k run (half of the distance of the “long”

Swim – My first mass sea start and with about 650 athletes gong off I was feeling very apprehensive and decided to hold back and entered toward the back. Swimming with a friend we stuck together defending each other from the masses and picking our way through the field. I was extremely happy to see so many bikes as we came to T1.

Bike – About 3k of flat and then the climb out of Cannes. Roughly 850m of climbing over the next 40k followed. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride, amazing roads, brilliantly marshalled and policed for a safe, fair race. I caught 2 girls and was passed by one in the first half. At 25k the rain started and it began to get a bit hairy on the descents.  A couple of bikes in front of me wiped out on sharp bends, I decided to hold back a bit. The rain  worked in my favour, I’m not he bravest descender but clearly not as cautious as some as I managed to pass a few men 😀

Run – In to  T2 and my legs felt ok. 2 out and backs along  the Croisette.  I was not 100% sure of my position a few had passed me on the bike  I couldn’t be sure if they were male or female… Spotting a girl ahead I chased her down. I felt comfortable and was just enjoying the moment. Pleased to be passing more than passed me, then in the last 1k I pushed a bit and caught the shoulder of a guy from Monaco Tri Club who looked over and encouragingly said “stick with me” it was great help and he paced me to the red carpet.

One final push for a sprint run down the carpet and to a great medal for the collection.

What can I say, what a venue, what a race….Can’t wait till next year.

1st Age Group \ 8th Female