June 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Viceroys June Newsletter where we highlight all the main events, news and things you need to know for the month ahead! But before we get into June, let’s take a look at the best bits from May.

The highlight of the past month has got to be the coached swim sessions and weekend lake swims. Our first coached session of the season was perfect for all of those with a sweet tooth, with brownies, cup cakes (special mention goes to Marit’s amazing Viceroys cup cakes), banana bread and flapjacks for members to choose from.

Once again, we’ve had an amazing series of Race/Event Reports (catch up here), featuring RideLondon, South East Swim Run Series, the VTC club ride to Brighton, The Roc Wales, Mallorca 312, Dorney Sprint Triathlon and Hart Triathlon Series.

Plus, Coaches Corner is back with Coach Ralph’s top tip for swimming and an example session. If you have any requests, please do let us know.

So let’s get to it then, here is EVERYTHING (well almost everything) you need to know for June…


The committee will be meeting on the 27th of June, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, please send it to ViceroyTriathlonClub@hotmail.com before the 26th of June.

We have had lots of questions about this!

So you, as a Viceroys Triathlon Club member (full member or cycling member), are NOT covered under the British Triathlon Federation (BTF) Club insurance and therefore should have your own insurance.
It is not mandatory for training, even though insurance is recommended, but it is required for racing in the UK for the majority of triathlon events.
More information on BTF insurance can be found here https://www.britishtriathlon.org/insurance.

Removing 1 million pairs of running shoes from landfill!

Tired of chucking out your old running shoes? Well we’ve come up with a plan!
With 18bn pairs of running shoes sold and some 33m making their way to landfill every year JOGON thought that they would do something about that.
There are millions of people who would make good use of your unwanted running shoes, with those shoes collected and still have some life left in them being reused. 

So, for the last track session of June, June 28th, please bring all you unwanted running shoes and we’ll send them all to JOGON.

Saturday 8th June – Sunday 9th June
Shepperton Lake

Once again we have three full VTC teams swimming at this event. We are all hoping for wall to wall sunshine, just like last year.
We will be setting up Team VTC in the tent village, so even if you are not swimming, please feel free to drop in anytime and say hi to your fellow club mates.

And if you’re feeling generous, please visit the Viceroys JustGiving page and donate. All donations go towards Level Water and their incredible cause to help less able bodied children have the options to swim. Link here https://www.justgiving.com/team/viceroys24hr2024

Sunday 30th June
Thorpe Park

The Club Championships are designed to bring the club together and race the same event. Whether as an individual or as part of a team due to injury, we hope everyone has a great time.
Distances: 750M Swim, 20KM Bike, 5KM Run
Thorpe Park Sprint Triathlon offers a unique opportunity within the thrilling amusement park.
The lake is London’s ultimate watersport’s resort and the flat grounds lend themselves to a totally flat, fast bike and run course. This is the perfect venue for a chip timed personal best.
If we get a good number of Pinks to register, we have been promised our own start wave!
Join in the fun and book your spot here https://www.letsdothis.com/gb/e/thorpe-park-sprint-triathlon-june-2024-193737.


If you are considering joining a club event, please, please, please just say YES on the App.
Saying Yes on the App is not a full commitment, it is just a signal to say that you are planning to join an event (or even just thinking about joining).
The weather is not reliable, plans can change last minute, it happens, we all understand.
But if you let club members know you are thinking about joining an event, it really helps the numbers (and also helps the event organisers).
So please . . . just say “YES!”

Every Tuesday Evening
6:45pm Cowey Sale Car Park

Now the evening light is with us, the Tuesday Evening Club rides are in full swing. Now we just need more dry weather!


Please remember that we are now meeting at Cowey Sale car park (alongside Thames next to Walton Bridge) for all club rides.
There is free parking, so if you need to drive to the meeting point, no problem. Just please be mindful that the gates are locked at 9:30pm each evening.


Hopefully most of you have your 2024-2025 membership card by now. Please remember that you need to show your card when checking in at the lake for your free weekend swim and/or the Monday evening swim training sessions.
The committee members will try to bring a few along to each club event, so please ask if you have not received yours yet.