August 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Viceroys August Newsletter where we highlight all the main events, news and things you need to know! But before we get into August, let’s take a look at the best bits from July.

The main highlight has surely got to be the late arrival of summer! Woohoo! And our Tuesday evening club power hour cycles and our weekend club cycles have seen record numbers of Pinks taking to the roads of Surrey. So if you haven’t joined a club ride, track session or coached swim this year, be sure to sign up on the VTC app while the sun is still around!
Plus signing up on the VTC app gives Ralph the opportunity to tailor the session according to numbers and encourages others to come too! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

We’ve also seen the addition of a Wednesday evening trail run series this month. Each week we meet at a different start point, conveniently located near a pub, and enjoy the various trails. See the VTC app ‘Running’ chat for each week’s location, time and distance.

And as always, we’ve had an amazing series of Race/Event Reports (catch up here) featuring the Cotswolds Classic 113, Thorpe Park Sprint Triathlon, Bewl Water Triathlon, 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs Challenge, Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg, Royal Windsor Triathlon, Eastbourne Triathlon, Staffordshire 70.3 Ironman and SOWS Race Series.

So let’s get to it then, here is EVERYTHING (well almost everything) you need to know…

Sunday 15th September
Time: 15:00-19:00
Location: Ockham Mill, Mill Lane, Ripley, GU23 6QT

Following our BEST EVER Club Relay (final details below), we’ll be celebrating the season with a party at the wonderful Nick’s house in Ripley.

There’s not a ton of parking so why not make a plan to cycle down with fellow club mates or the family to enjoy the fun. Small furry friends are welcome too (Eddie is upset he’ll be missing out on this event but he’ll be enjoying a pawsome spa day).

So please sign up on the VTC app so we can get an idea of numbers!

PS. Don’t worry, we will still have various Viceroys things going on after this date, but it’s always good to finish the triathlon season with a party while the weather is still spectacular!

PPS. For those extra EPIC members who snagged a trophy last year, could you please remember to return your silverware to a committee member ahead of the party.

Sunday 15th September
Location: Woking Pool in the Park

Exciting VTC Teams Announcement! Final relay teams are ready, what to do next:

  • Check your name is on the list and you are happy with your relay leg (any issues let Marit know asap) – the list was sent via email and is in the newsletter section of the VTC app
  • Get in touch with your teammates and register (Use the club app membership list if you do not know contact details: Club main page, Settings -> Membership directory)


  1. Agree who will register the team online for the event. Only ONE team member will register the team therefore make sure you have name, email, DOB, BTF membership number ready when you register
  2. You MUST enter your team name as VTC and then your confirmed team number (see above, example is VTC2)
  3. Registration – info here
  4. Cost – person who registers will pay for the whole team, please arrange the payments amongst yourselves.


If there are any changes to your availability to take part please let me know asap so I can update the teams accordingly.


Exact details will be sent in the coming weeks but we all know it is an early start so don’t be caught by surprise and hope for a Sunday lie in.

Everyone should be ready to turn up and rock their stunning pink kit: club swimming cap, cycling kit and running vests.. we want to see them all!


Are you an athlete competing in a Sport England recognised sport in any age group at county level or over?

If you live in Elmbridge, you might be eligible for the FACS (Free Access for County Sportspeople) scheme giving you free access to:

  • Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames, KT12 2JG
  • The Hurst Swimming Pool, Dunstall Way, East Molesey, KT8 1PD
  • All Elmbridge Parks Tennis courts

Don’t miss out! Apply online here!

Sunday 18th August
Location: Cowey Sale Car Park, KT12 1QW
Time: 8am

Our Retro Jersey ride has earned its place as an annual event in our club calendar.

So get your retro club jersey ordered so you can pretend to be our very own Chris Lillywhite winning the Milk Race back in ’93!

Please sign up in VTC app and join the fun!

Saturday 24th August

Join us on our social ride following the famous ‘Randonnee’ route around the island (110km, maybe a bit more).

If we can group up in a few cars, we can park them near the ferry terminal and go over as foot passengers. The ferries run regularly, so it’s normally straightforward to coordinate and it’s a fantastic route around the island, especially the stretch along the spectacular Military Road on the SW coast!

Please sign up in VTC app and join the ‘Isle of Wight’ chat so we can start making plans!

Friday 13th September
Location: Elmbridge Xcel Sports Hub
Time: 20:00

Following our final Friday track session, we’ll be holding our annual AGM where you can get an update on a range of matters, make important decisions and give input into the club’s future direction.

  • Minutes of the previous AGM
  • Chairs and Vice Chairs update
  • Secretary’s update
  • Treasurer’s update
  • Membership update
  • Marketing update
  • Club events update
  • Details on election of Officers ahead of Feb 2025 vote
  • Agenda items for discussion (waiting input from club members)
  • AOB

1. If you have any items to discuss at the AGM please send them to our club email.
2. Please confirm your attendance to the AGM on the Teams App under events.

Monday 23rd September
Location: Shepperton Lake
Time: 18:30

All good things must come to an end and September 23rd will be our last coached swim session of the season.

So come join us for 1 of the 3 coached sessions and post swim cake! Who doesn’t like cake?!