Welcome to Viceroys Melanie

Welcome to new Viceroy Melanie Pretty, introduce yourself to your team mates Mel:
‘I did a lot of sport when I was at school, mostly athletics – 100m, long, triple and high jump, but didn’t carry on with it once I left. Then a couple of years ago I started running again and really enjoyed it, but found I was getting a little bored with only running, so at the beginning of this year I thought I’d enter for a triathlon! I’ve been training mostly on my own, with advice from friends and family, but felt I really needed more help and advice from people who have lots of experience, so, here I am!
I have a very physical job, I look after, train and compete horses, mostly in eventing (the equine equivalent of triathlon.) I have a three year old son and a very understanding husband (my job, and now my new hobby, both take up a lot of time!)  I love training and competing and can’t wait to improve!’
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About Kate Wallace

I've always been involved with sport of some description, particularly adrenaline sports (skiing, boarding, kite-surfing, bungi jumps, parachute jumps, mountain biking) and endurance events (7 marathons, lots of halfs, Caledonian Challenge, London to Brighton bike ride, Moonwalk, played/coached rugby), but I'm relatively new to triathlon as it's actually taken the place of other sports after a couple of bad accidents! Although looking at the biographies of all you other Viceroys I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that all I've done are a few team traitahlons (running or cycling leg) and a couple of super sprints and sprints on my own, I'm hoping that being a Viceroy might persuade me that swimming in open water over 400m is actually possible. Read more about me in the May 2012 Triathlon Plus: http://www.triradar.com/2012/04/09/were-inspired-by-kate-wallace/