Event: Hever Castle Triathlon | Castle Race Series
Date: 29th September 2024
When I booked in late summer, I thought Hever would make a nice finish to the UK race season, but torrential rain in the lead up to the event had me questioning the wisdom of my decision. Thankfully, the sun was forecast to return for the weekend of the races and, even though it was never likely to make a difference to the bracing 17 degrees water temperature, it was great to be racing in the dry especially as I’d recklessly signed up to the Olympic distance so was expecting to be out on the course for quite some time.
As it transpired, I needn’t have concerned myself with the water temperature as the wettest September on record at Hever resulted in the swim being cancelled. Disappointing, but the flip side was an extra hour in bed as my start time was also pushed back.
The event was well organised and, despite the still wet conditions underfoot and some changes to the race format and route, there was a fun and friendly atmosphere throughout. The course is very picturesque, meandering through the undulating Kent countryside and the beautiful grounds of Hever Castle. A bit over my target of 3 hours after my 11:00 start, I’d soon enough finished the 5km run/40km bike/10km run.
In all, a good day out but lesson learned that you’re taking a chance with the weather in late September. After the race, I didn’t hang around to check out the merch or food stands, but if they were anything on par with the photography (£15 for a single digital print) then it would have been pricey. And as a consequence, you and I will have to make do with this rather bad selfie.