Race Report: Anna Bartholomew

Event: Salty Sea Dog Long Swim
Date: 10th August 2024

On what was a bright morning, Sheena and I set off to Southbourne, Bournemouth for the Salty Sea Dog 2.5km swim. As our car headed south west, the weather became less sunny and the wind picked up!

Upon arrival, we were buffeted by the wind as we marched to the beach to view the course and were immediately confronted with 100 foot waves (alright maybe they were only a couple of feet high, but they seemed big).

Due to the increase in the wind, the course was altered, so rather than swimming two 1.25 km rectangular loops along the coast, we were to swim four square loops, each corner of the route being marked by a large orange buoy.

As the wind increased further, we waded into the water and our epic adventure began. Getting out past the waves turned into a marathon, not a sprint, and that was just to the first marker.

The waves kept coming and the thought that it would be easier once we’d turned the first corner and were swimming along the shore turned out to be incorrect.

It wasn’t possible to get into a rhythm and taking each breath was a battle not to drink a gallon of salt water that was pushed into our faces.

Turning the third corner and swimming with the wind behind us created its own challenges as tow floats were hitting people and getting tangled in arms.

The final stretch back to the first buoy, being buffered by the wind whilst being pushed towards the shore didn’t provide any reprieve. For me, one lap was enough. I did not fancy dying that day or even being fished out by a safety boat, so I called it quits.

But Sheena (the Herculean goddess), ploughed on, battling the elements and even winning a fight with the third buoy which was blown ashore due to the mighty winds, to complete all four laps of the course.

A satisfying day out, if not the sunny swim envisioned when we signed up. As a reward for our endeavours, we were given a glass of coke to drink as apparently “it kills everything”!

Note to self – stick to the lake swims!

Race Report: Hugh Davenport

Event: Dorney Evening Triathlon
Date: 7th August 2024

“Gary & I have entered the Dorney Evening Tri on 7th August… would be nice to have some more Pinkies join us” posted Clint on the VTC Team App. Why not, I thought, and so signed up for my first (Sprint) triathlon.

About a dozen other Pinks answered Clint’s rallying call, so there were plenty of friendly and familiar faces at the starting line come the day of the race. The 18:30 start provided a good excuse to knock-off work early and, even better, the late start time and reasonable weather meant there was some massively appreciated vocal support from the sides cheering the Pinks on. So, having negotiated the first challenge (squeezing into the unforgiving tri suit), it was time for the race…

The Swim – There’s plenty of advice about pacing yourself from the start on the swim, but it’s easier said than done when the adrenaline is pumping and everybody else goes off at a fair pace. Having got to the first buoy and been disillusioned to realise that it was the first turning point on the 400m course rather than the 750m course we were on, I focused on steadying my breathing and heart rate, and it felt as though I got into a more sustainable rhythm. With only a few bumps at the turns, the leg that most triathletes enjoy the least was soon over. It was much more fun than I expected.

The Cycle – The closed roads around the lake make Eton Dorney an ideal location, especially for novices like myself. I was soon clipped in and rolling, and Alan gave me some friendly words of encouragement as he cruised past me on lap 1. Making sure that I didn’t forget to count my laps, I’d soon completed the cycle leg, and was through T2 and onto the run.

The Run – Up and down a single track on the side of the lake makes for a slightly congested run, but has the benefit of providing plenty of opportunity see how you’re getting on and share encouragement with fellow Pinks.

Results – All the Pinks participating put in impressive performances. But some special shout outs must go to Hayley who took the win in her first ever triathlon race in the Super Sprint, Jesper who almost got taken out right at the end but still ran to second place in the Super Sprint, and Lucy is definitely back from injury with a fantastic 2nd place in the Sprint. And a big thank you again to all the Pinks supporters who definitely lifted our performances.

To conclude, I enjoyed it so much that I’ve signed up for another in September. Hope to see you in Reading on the 8th.

Just a few of the Pinks that came for the event

Race Report: Anna Chapman

Event: European Sprint Qualifier Race (Eton Dorney) | Artic One Events
Date: 13th July 2024

Eton Dorney Qualifiers seem to me to attract more apprehension than other qualifying events. This is my third qualifier there and the feeling was the same.

My first qualifier event ever was at Eton Dorney and I remember being so incredibly nervous, and needless to say, I finished quite a few places outside of qualifying placings.

Following my second attempt, I was confident I’d get a roll-down place, and I did despite a particularly unpleasant swim.

This time I wasn’t sure as I was trying to qualify into the age group above me due to moving up an age category next year, but I was also keen to do well in my current category.

Having read the pre-race briefing blurb, the route was different from previous races for the bike and T2, so this didn’t help pre-race nerves before I’d even gotten there! However, the weather forecast was good – light cloud cover and not too much wind (there’s always wind at Eton Dorney even on a still day!!).

The tension amongst competitors on arrival was evident – much nervous polite chit-chat and bike scanning in the registration queue. Who had TT bikes and who didn’t, who was wearing a GB tri suit and who wasn’t… I tend to feel that this race attracts the ‘Big Guns’ – the fast and furious competitors at the sharp end of age group racing. And sure enough, they were present and correct again on this occasion!

While registering and racking it started to rain much to everyone’s surprise and frustration. I bumped into Sam (Holloway) warming up and he and I passed words about the rain, and it not being in the forecast. Anyway, the men were in the water first in the rain while the women watched and waited. A poor male competitor’s wheel slipped and he came off his bike on a turn into a new lap – too painful for him to continue. So inevitably this caused more nervous chattering amongst the women about the bike course being wet and slippery on corners.

On with the swim – usual 750m swim and exit on a concrete ramp. My swim went well – I surprised myself when I saw who I came out with.

My T1 was ok – usual stamping on wetsuit to get it off!

The 20km (I think it was a bit less than 20km) bike loop for me wasn’t too bad despite the light rain. The loop involved going from the Boat House end up over the bridge, up the middle with the lake on the right, then turning left at the top and coming back down to the Boat House alongside the hedges and trees.

T2 was a scramble to spot trainers, rack and run. By this time the rain had stopped. I wasn’t entirely sure where I was in my age group at this point – I was more focused on not falling off my bike for the last 20km!

Into the single lap run to the end of the lake and back – the end that always looks FOREVER away when you head out! By this point I knew women were catching me up – my run isn’t great. It’s not bad but there are some fast runners. The usual voices in the head saying this is just horrendous, why am I doing it…. to more positive self-chat…. just move forward and relax your shoulders away from your ears. I took a gel at halfway – actually slopped a gel half down my tri suit trying to gasp for air and swallow it. Sure enough, a lady got past me at halfway. There were a couple of younger competitors roughly half my age who came past which I couldn’t care less about by that point!

A short sprint as fast as I could across the line – phew all done! I was thrilled to see I’d come in ahead of two women who beat me a few weeks earlier at Southport World Qualifiers. I finished 4th in my age group and qualified 4th in the age group above.

Well done to Sam who also qualified 😊

European Champs are in Istanbul next year.

All in all, a good day in the office, although the photo may not look like it.

Race Report: Ethan Aspin

Event: T100 Olympic Distance
Date: 28th July 2024

On July 28th I took part in the T100 Olympic Distance!

It was a hectic start to the event on Saturday, as that’s when everyone had to drop off their equipment at the ExCeL near Docklands. On my way to the expo centre, I ended up joining the T100 pro women’s race for a few moments (mostly due to clueless marshals) but luckily a man shouted out and made sure I got off the course!

Besides the hectic drop-off on Saturday, Sunday was off to an early start. I was up at 6am and in the water at 7:40am.

I would rate the swim course 6/10 given the water in Victoria docks is not surprisingly, murky…

The bike course 9/10 given it was one large lap towards Big Ben rather than multiple smaller laps which the T100 participants undertook.

Finally, I’d give the run course 8/10 since the sun was out and the run was next to the docks with plenty of aid stations to get everyone to the finish line in one piece.

Overall, a great event with loads of participants and free swag. I managed to finish up in under 2hr30 which was a personal goal!

August 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Viceroys August Newsletter where we highlight all the main events, news and things you need to know! But before we get into August, let’s take a look at the best bits from July.

The main highlight has surely got to be the late arrival of summer! Woohoo! And our Tuesday evening club power hour cycles and our weekend club cycles have seen record numbers of Pinks taking to the roads of Surrey. So if you haven’t joined a club ride, track session or coached swim this year, be sure to sign up on the VTC app while the sun is still around!
Plus signing up on the VTC app gives Ralph the opportunity to tailor the session according to numbers and encourages others to come too! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

We’ve also seen the addition of a Wednesday evening trail run series this month. Each week we meet at a different start point, conveniently located near a pub, and enjoy the various trails. See the VTC app ‘Running’ chat for each week’s location, time and distance.

And as always, we’ve had an amazing series of Race/Event Reports (catch up here) featuring the Cotswolds Classic 113, Thorpe Park Sprint Triathlon, Bewl Water Triathlon, 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs Challenge, Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg, Royal Windsor Triathlon, Eastbourne Triathlon, Staffordshire 70.3 Ironman and SOWS Race Series.

So let’s get to it then, here is EVERYTHING (well almost everything) you need to know…

Sunday 15th September
Time: 15:00-19:00
Location: Ockham Mill, Mill Lane, Ripley, GU23 6QT

Following our BEST EVER Club Relay (final details below), we’ll be celebrating the season with a party at the wonderful Nick’s house in Ripley.

There’s not a ton of parking so why not make a plan to cycle down with fellow club mates or the family to enjoy the fun. Small furry friends are welcome too (Eddie is upset he’ll be missing out on this event but he’ll be enjoying a pawsome spa day).

So please sign up on the VTC app so we can get an idea of numbers!

PS. Don’t worry, we will still have various Viceroys things going on after this date, but it’s always good to finish the triathlon season with a party while the weather is still spectacular!

PPS. For those extra EPIC members who snagged a trophy last year, could you please remember to return your silverware to a committee member ahead of the party.

Sunday 15th September
Location: Woking Pool in the Park

Exciting VTC Teams Announcement! Final relay teams are ready, what to do next:

  • Check your name is on the list and you are happy with your relay leg (any issues let Marit know asap) – the list was sent via email and is in the newsletter section of the VTC app
  • Get in touch with your teammates and register (Use the club app membership list if you do not know contact details: Club main page, Settings -> Membership directory)


  1. Agree who will register the team online for the event. Only ONE team member will register the team therefore make sure you have name, email, DOB, BTF membership number ready when you register
  2. You MUST enter your team name as VTC and then your confirmed team number (see above, example is VTC2)
  3. Registration – info here
  4. Cost – person who registers will pay for the whole team, please arrange the payments amongst yourselves.


If there are any changes to your availability to take part please let me know asap so I can update the teams accordingly.


Exact details will be sent in the coming weeks but we all know it is an early start so don’t be caught by surprise and hope for a Sunday lie in.

Everyone should be ready to turn up and rock their stunning pink kit: club swimming cap, cycling kit and running vests.. we want to see them all!


Are you an athlete competing in a Sport England recognised sport in any age group at county level or over?

If you live in Elmbridge, you might be eligible for the FACS (Free Access for County Sportspeople) scheme giving you free access to:

  • Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames, KT12 2JG
  • The Hurst Swimming Pool, Dunstall Way, East Molesey, KT8 1PD
  • All Elmbridge Parks Tennis courts

Don’t miss out! Apply online here!

Sunday 18th August
Location: Cowey Sale Car Park, KT12 1QW
Time: 8am

Our Retro Jersey ride has earned its place as an annual event in our club calendar.

So get your retro club jersey ordered so you can pretend to be our very own Chris Lillywhite winning the Milk Race back in ’93!

Please sign up in VTC app and join the fun!

Saturday 24th August

Join us on our social ride following the famous ‘Randonnee’ route around the island (110km, maybe a bit more).

If we can group up in a few cars, we can park them near the ferry terminal and go over as foot passengers. The ferries run regularly, so it’s normally straightforward to coordinate and it’s a fantastic route around the island, especially the stretch along the spectacular Military Road on the SW coast!

Please sign up in VTC app and join the ‘Isle of Wight’ chat so we can start making plans!

Friday 13th September
Location: Elmbridge Xcel Sports Hub
Time: 20:00

Following our final Friday track session, we’ll be holding our annual AGM where you can get an update on a range of matters, make important decisions and give input into the club’s future direction.

  • Minutes of the previous AGM
  • Chairs and Vice Chairs update
  • Secretary’s update
  • Treasurer’s update
  • Membership update
  • Marketing update
  • Club events update
  • Details on election of Officers ahead of Feb 2025 vote
  • Agenda items for discussion (waiting input from club members)
  • AOB

1. If you have any items to discuss at the AGM please send them to our club email. viceroytriathlonclub@hotmail.com
2. Please confirm your attendance to the AGM on the Teams App under events.

Monday 23rd September
Location: Shepperton Lake
Time: 18:30

All good things must come to an end and September 23rd will be our last coached swim session of the season.

So come join us for 1 of the 3 coached sessions and post swim cake! Who doesn’t like cake?!

Race Report: Alison Lyons

Event: Cotswolds Classic 113 (Middle Distance)
Date: Sunday 14th July 2024

This is a lovely Half Ironman distance triathlon, in the beautiful Cotswolds countryside. It’s perfect for beginners as it’s super friendly and not very hilly. They actively encourage first-time entrants and those who want to complete the distance in a more relaxed environment, without the stress of cut-off times. It’s also great for the super speedy Half Ironman competitors chasing a PB, racing (as always) at the front of the pack.

I remember the conversation vividly. About a year earlier, I was speaking to Marit at Shepperton Lake. She had just completed a Half Ironman and I was in awe. ‘You can do it Alison,’ she said. ‘No chance Marit, I still struggle up the hills.’ ‘100% you can do it,’ said Marit. I had been through a bit of a tough time recently and the thought of being able to call myself a (Half) Ironman sounded amazing. The training would give me something very positive to focus on. But mainly the belief that someone else thought I could do it was the biggest driver.  So thank you Marit xx

The very same day I booked the early bird offer (£175) and I was in!! eek!

I then calculated my current times and scaled them up to the Half Ironman distances. Oh my goodness – it will probably be dark when I finish. What on earth have I done???????? But the website said ‘As long as you don’t stop for a pub lunch, we will wait for you to finish.’ And I couldn’t get a refund. So I thought I’d better put my big girl pants on and just start the training…

My biggest area to improve was swimming. I struggled to swim half a pool length of front crawl without panicking. So over the winter I did weekly group pool lessons with Lee from Fullstream (excellent). It gave me a good base, and I hope to do more lessons this winter.

The race organisers do a ‘try the course’ about 6 weeks before the competition, which is great. They take your round 1 lap of the cycle and run, so you can see the inclines, surface conditions, and where the food stations and toilets will be etc. This certainly calmed my nerves.  You also get a chance to meet some of the other competitors which was lovely. Lots of women of my age, first-timers, fantastic people.  Myself and another lady made a pact that whatever happened, we would drag each other over the finish line. Sorted 😊. (post edit – she finished fine).

Anne (Renshaw) and Richard were also booked in, so we stayed at the same hotel and had dinner together the night before (steak, chips, beer – carb loading).

The morning of the race started with a 4.30am breakfast. Heading into transition, a marshall spotted that one of my handlebar ends had fallen off. But cool as a cucumber he just taped it up for me.  Not sure other Half Ironmans would be so calm.

You can pre-choose start waves for the swim. I chose to start at the back of the mass start, as it started one hour before the last wave.  I knew I would be slow on the swim, so at least I would finish the swim part way through the pack and not be right at the back.  This was a good choice. As I didn’t want to be swum over by the subsequent waves, I also swam to the side.

The organisers offer a ‘nervous’ swimmer hat which is green. They only issue about 15 of them. Great idea. I took one. The safety canoes were lovely and kept checking I was ok.

I wanted to do the swim 50% front crawl and 50% breaststroke.  But I still felt quite panicky under race conditions, so I did about 10% front crawl and 90% breaststroke. No problem – that’s my target to improve next time.

Anne didn’t race as her back was really bad. So Maria and Anne were there to cheer me on – and what a sterling job they did!! I knew Maria had purchased a cowbell for the occasion (long story – ask either of us to explain 😊) and as I was finishing the swim I could hear the cowbell and their cheering. I was laughing in the water. What a brilliant end to the swim. Ladies – you are both legends!! xx

The bike was great and I felt strong. Two laps of rolling Cotswolds countryside, slightly hilly but not overly. Highlights were hearing the screams of Maria and Anne on each circuit (brilliant – completely made me laugh again each time) and cycling past a beautiful field of lavender (twice). The weather was perfect. Cool (about 19 degrees), overcast but no rain. Perfect. I averaged 24.3kmh on the cycle which is very fast for me.

My cross bar bag was full of food (cheese sandwiches, salted nuts, gels, jelly babies, salt tablets etc etc etc). I made sure I ate and drank (isotonics) every 5 km (without stopping) which kept me nice and fuelled. With a good stretch and loo break half way round, and with the cheers of Anne and Maria and the cowbell, I felt the bike section had gone really well.

Mentally I felt I had now finished the Half Ironman. Oh gosh – just the half marathon left… and the weather was now heating up.

The run was 3 laps around lakes and road. I knew there was a food station halfway round with ginger cake, so that was my focus. I have to say the run was tough. It felt like childbirth. You knew you had to do it, there was no way out except getting to the end. It was going to be painful, knackering and hideous. But there was no gas and air, or epidural (thank goodness) to help you along. Only ginger cake…

It was tough. Another friend Jenny drove from London to support me too, so Maria, Jenny and the cowbell got me through the run part (Anne had to leave). They were once again amazing. 

The toughest bit was finishing each lap. You then passed two shutes. The right shute had a red carpet and led to the finish arch. Yippie! The left shute took you around another 4.36 mile lap. Arrhh. That was tough.

On the first lap I was devasted to go left, but cracked on with it. On the second lap, I burst into tears going left.  It was beginning to get a bit too much by now.

Along the run, I chatted to my fellow competitors to see what lap they were on. When they were on lap 3 and I was on lap 1, that was tough. But with the Viceroys motto ‘never show weakness’, I knew I couldn’t give up. I had heard it’s good to walk/run the run. But by this point, it all needed to be over and done with as quickly as humanly possible, so I made myself run all of it.

One foot in front of the other. That’s all you have to do. And that’s what I did.

Taking the right shute after my 3rd lap was brilliant. Maria, Jenny and the cowbell were cheering me on, and the commentator shouted my name. All I had to focus on now was my photo over the finish line.  DONE!! I’M A HALF IRON(WO)MAN!!!

My friends hugged me and I burst into tears again. I felt very emotional. Particularly how far I had come (emotionally and physically) over the past year. I was incredibly proud of myself and very happy.  Jenny bought a lovely bottle of Moet, which we all joyfully quaffed down post-race.

So my advice to anyone. Even if you think you can’t ever do a Half Ironman, you definitely can. Just do it. I’m going to sign up to the same one next year, 13th July 2025 (113 events) so hopefully see you there. 

Follow Alison’s journey from a sprint triathlon to Half Ironman in her past race reports:
Bewl Water Standard (Olympic) Distance Triathlon
Free Tri Series Walton (IntoTri)