September 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Viceroys September Newsletter where we highlight all the main events, news and things you need to know! But as with every month, before we get into September, let’s take a look at the best bits from August.

Our Club Retro Ride and Isle of Wight Ride were absolute classics (see what I did there?), although the weather for the Isle of Wight ride was absolutely abysmal! We also saw the last of our Tuesday evening Power Hour rides this last month but don’t despair, our Saturday and Sunday rides are still going strong, so sign up to join one this weekend!

Our Friday Track sessions were also spiced up in August with 2 sessions taking place along the Thames towpath while the track was cleaned and repainted. This week we’re back at the track as normal, so please sign up on the VTC app to give Coach Ralph the opportunity to tailor the session according to numbers.

And as always, we’ve had an amazing series of Race/Event Reports (catch up here) featuring the Salty Sea Dog Long Swim, Dorney Evening Triathlon (a first triathlon for Hugh and Hayley), European Sprint Qualifier and the T100 Olympic Distance. If you’ve done a race or event recently, we’d love to hear about it, so please get in touch with Sheena via the VTC app to share.

So let’s get to it then, here is EVERYTHING (well almost everything) you need to know…


We were due to have an AGM following our Friday track session on the 13th September, however due to low attendance numbers, we’ve decided to answer any of your queries at the end of season social.

As per this year, the next AGM will be held early 2025 and details will be shared via the VTC app.

We will of course share details about the committee nomination/voting process ahead of the AGM, so everyone knows what’s going to happen, how and when.

In the meantime, if you have any club questions, feel free to ask your friendly committee member or email us at


We are hoping to extend our popular Friday Track Sessions throughout the winter season into 2025. We are waiting to get confirmation of this from the Xcel Sports Hub, should be mid September, so cross those fingers and toes!

Details will be shared as soon as possible via the VTC app.

Starting: November 2024

This year we are planning to keep everyone motivated through the dark and colder winter months by having our first ever VTC Winter League. Challenges will start end of November and last 12 weeks. More details to come in due course.


Our VTC Zwift TT Series will be back from October, ready for the winter months!

If any newbies are unsure how to get involved, please join the ‘Zwift TT Series’ group chat on the VTC app. All levels are welcome and accommodated for!


We’re putting the final fabulous PINK designs together, speaking with suppliers and should have everything ready to order and arrive before the 2025 season.

T-shirts and hoodies are also in the works and should be ready to order within the next 2 months.

Sunday 15th September

Join Carl and Sylwia for a leisurely gravel ride to (and from!) the end of season social. It’s a lovely route and will help with the onsite parking.

The route is approx. 15km each way.

Strava link above has the first and last bit to home when we cycled there with Myla last year!

Sunday 15th September
Location: Woking Pool in the Park

Final reminder to register your team!


  1. Agree who will register the team online for the event. Only ONE team member will register the team therefore make sure you have name, email, DOB, BTF membership number ready when you register
  2. Registration – info here
  3. Cost – person who registers will pay for the whole team, please arrange the payments amongst yourselves.


If there are any changes to your availability to take part please let me know asap so I can update the teams accordingly.


06:00 AM – Registration Open
07:00 AM – Sprint Relays Start

Final details will be sent out at the end of this week, so keep an eye out on the VTC app.

Sunday 15th September
Time: 15:00-19:00
Location: Ockham Mill, Mill Lane, Ripley, GU23 6QT
What to bring: We will provide the basics, but everyone is invited to bring something along.

Following our BEST EVER Club Relay, we’ll be celebrating the season with a party at the wonderful Nick’s house in Ripley.

There’s not a ton of parking so why not make a plan to cycle down with fellow club mates or the family to enjoy the fun. Small furry friends are welcome too (Eddie is upset he’ll be missing out on this event but he’ll be enjoying a pawsome spa day).

So please sign up on the VTC app so we can get an idea of numbers!

PS. Don’t worry, we will still have various Viceroys things going on after this date, but it’s always good to finish the triathlon season with a party while the weather is still spectacular!

PPS. For those extra EPIC members who snagged a trophy last year, could you please remember to return your silverware to a committee member ahead of the party.

Monday 23rd September
Location: Shepperton Lake
Time: 18:30

All good things must come to an end and September 23rd will be our last coached swim session of the season.

We will see how the light changes over the next few weeks and if needed, we will adjust the sessions. Any changes will be communicated via the VTC app.