Event: SOWS Race Series
Date: 27th June 2024
The Shepperton Open Water Swim Race Series returned to Shepperton Lake on June 27th with 750m, 1.5km, and 3km distances being offered. Apparently, the race series hasn’t happened in 5 years but they’re back for good, and perfect timing for it! There isn’t anything better than finishing work and going to a sunny lake feeling hyped for a cheeky race.

About 70 people pitched up to Shepperton Lake, with about 40 taking part in the swim. Everything was well organised, there was food and drink by the lake, and the staff were very friendly.
Regarding the race.. if you think you’re a great swimmer, you might have to attend the SOWS Race Series to be humbled! The quickest time for the 3km was 39 mins! There were some incredibly fast individuals and I was extremely impressed by the pace. I tried my best and finished in 54 mins but it’s probably safe to say I could’ve shaved off a couple of minutes if I didn’t eat 2 bacon halloumi baps before the race! 🍔
If you’re interested in the next SOWS race, it’s happening on July 18th. Perhaps cya there!