Race Report: Sheena Mountford

Event: Martian Race šŸ‘½
Date: 16th June 2024

The Martian Race is where War of the Worlds meets Mars Attacks, only this time youā€™re running for fun and not for your life, just a small difference!

Itā€™s was a real family day out as thereā€™s a 2km Mini Martian race (kids), this year a lion even did the run, then a 5km, 10km and 21km option.

The start/finish line was in the beautiful McLaren Technology Park and every year weā€™ve done the race, thereā€™s been gorgeous sunshine, they must pre-order it.

The course begins through the open fields of McLaren Technology Park, the start funnel was much wider this year, so plenty of space for Peter to overtake and me to be overtaken, although you do have to keep an eye out for the odd hole in the ground. Then it was under the trees through Horsell Common (watching out for tree roots), over the famous War of the Worlds sandpits (watching out for aliens), and back into the sunlight at Heather Farm.

Heather Farm is the turning point for the 10km and as you begin to loop back, you get to enjoy the Heather Farm wetland area as you run along board walks and over little bridges. And just as you think you might melt in the sunshine, you head back into the cool forest and a welcome water station is not far off.

Almost half of Horsell Common is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, so even though I was exhausted, the various changes in scenery were pretty amazing.

Coming towards the finish line, with an enthusiastic lion running the last 20 meters alongside me, I was greeted with a lot of cheers and a medal. This year, as it was my birthday, I was also greeted with a lovely bottle of champagne! Not a bad way to celebrate!

Such a fun event and the early bird entry prices are amazing! Plus, youā€™re supporting local charities through Woking Lions (hence the šŸ¦).