All the Gear and Some Idea…
The last time I entered a triathlon with an open water swim was the Shock Absorber Women’s Only triathlon at Dorney Lake back in 2011. It was a novice distance 400m/10k/2.5k (I got a lot of stick for doing such a short one – Lisa Yeoman). I swam breaststroke, wore a borrowed tri suit and used a neighbour’s bike, but still managed to come first in my age group despite my bike chain coming off. Next time I was clearly going to have to do a bigger one…
Fast forward to 2017 (a long gap and two children later) and I found myself getting up at 4am to head to Windsor to do the sprint distance. This time was a bit different – I realised I actually looked the part with my 2xU tri suit, Zone 3 wetsuit, triathlon Garmin, bike shoes, Specialized Amira, Bike Garmin, Race belt and Viceroys top. Clearly this is a sport where you can spend a lot of money!
It was a stunning morning and I was so excited. I made my way down the start, head filled with all those cues from Mark’s Monday coached lake sessions. Once I was in the water the 750m swim seemed to go so quickly. Before I knew it I was hot footing it through transition. The bike ride was amazing with no chance of getting lost with so many other people on the course. Thanks to the Viceroys’ beginners cycle sessions earlier this year, I managed to find my gears and navigate the hills pretty easily. Into second transition. Ouch! Who put that hill so close to the start of the run leg? My legs were heavy but I was on such a high – I had nearly done it – my first ‘proper’ triathlon. The run was hard work but I still managed a smile and a whoop whoop as I crossed the line. What a buzz! Thanks to the fellow Viceroy who called out ‘Well done – I am a Viceroy too’ as I headed back to the car in my Viceroys top. Maybe I was a triathlete after all.
To my huge surprise (and elation) I had actually done OK. 2nd female in my age group and 24 out of 185 women overall. Perhaps I should train a bit harder next time 