Monthly Archives: September 2016
Yann Umbricht – Ironman Weymouth
‘Final race of the season for me with no big expectations following 2 weeks on relaxing holidays and a preparation focussing on quality rather than quantity! I arrived in Weymouth on Saturday and the weather conditions were as predicted very wet and windy. The sea was very bad and if it had stayed like that for the race, it would have been a definite DNS for me. Sunday was a very different story and conditions were just ideal. Sea was very flat, and after a friendly rolling start and a good first 750m swim in 13mn I lost my rhythm and never found it again resulting in a much slower swim than I had hoped for. Being well behind my schedule, I decided that 1 or 2 more minutes wouldn’t change the overall result, and I used the facilities in T1 for a quick comfort break. Not sure how I did it, but I managed to cut my left thumb quite badly opening the toilet door and had to spend 10 minutes with the medics.
Me, my bike and my plaster were finally enjoying a fast few kilometres on beautiful roads when suddenly… my thumb decided to bleed again and never stopped until the last few kilometres of the bike course. No need to say that my bike, trisuit and I, looked pretty disgusting. Anyway, Weymouth is a tough bike course, with steep climbs, technical downhills and a nasty headwind. Second loop was mentally challenging but I managed to catch up few people and I was now much closer to the front of the race! Continue reading
Dawson Hardiman: Worthing Olympic and Weymouth 70.3
After some coercion from a couple of Sprint Distance stars, I made my way down to Worthing on bank holiday weekend for a crack at the Olympic distance tri. As the final ETU qualifier for the year, the field seemed pretty strong. It was also an opportunity to don my Viceroys vest for the first time this year, after a big money mid season transfer from B2P.
Some swell and wind blown chop made the swim interesting with some fight club at the first turn bouy. Not my strongest discipline, and too much time in calm Shepperton lake saw me exit at the back pack after 25:41 minutes, which makes me think the course was generously short. A swift transition, I was out on the bike in 170th place.
Bike course was not as flat as I expected, more ‘rolling’, but with a couple of good opportunities to get into a rhythm and time trial it. Some light rain combined with the wind saw a few crashes, and the open roads resulted in some frustration for both cyclists and drivers as we got stuck behind some of the slower competitors. A good out and back course though, and a decent run in allows you to set up for T2 (52 seconds!), out onto the run in 147 place.
The run started off well, about 10-15 secs/ km inside my usual pace, on a 2 lap course. It became pretty clear at the first dead turn that my stunning outward pace was largely a result of a 15 mph tailwind, which was now a little less helpful. This is a the first footrace where I have actively drafted other competitors, pedestrians and beach furniture. I made the most of the final outward drag, then turned and hung on for the final 3km home, crossing the line in 2:25: all up, in 135 place, pretty much mid field.
After 4 years of training for long course, this was a pretty swift reminder what threshold feels like! Continue reading
Jamal Shakir – IRONMAN WALES
As a bit of a back story, some of you may know that I competed at Ironman Nice last year, but failed to convert the long hours of training due to suffering from heat exhaustion and being pulled from the race, and rapidly attached to a saline bag (which actually made me feel very good afterwards!).
So, 2017 meant I had a score to settle. However, with a new baby arriving in the Shakir household in October, training for Nice in June was going to be a touch tricky. So Ironman Wales was selected, as it was far enough in the future to have time to train, close enough to home that we can drive with said baby in tow, and cool enough that I didn’t suffer at the hands of the heat gods again. What I didn’t take in to account, was that this is in fact (not necessarily factually correct), one of the hardest Ironman races on the European tour. Tidy.
Training started just after Christmas, dragging myself out of a warm, dry house into the wet and cold, where I imagined hearing the phrase ‘Jamal Shakir, you are an Ironman’ as motivation to get out the door. The first few months weren’t too taxiing, but when things stepped up a bit, the lack of sleep and losing a training partner due to injury meant I was really struggling to find motivation with riding on my own. This is when the good people of Viceroys took me under their wing!
Anyway, to race day. Continue reading
3rd Win in a Row for Yeoman