So the Windsor sprint duathlon… Nothing like having to ditch the car down a side street and legging it to the start because of the car park shambles. Then trekking 1km across a muddy field, clogging up the machine and queueing for ages to register! Muddiest transition ever experienced and new white bike shoes a total state

Still, managed to put that to one side, met with a few fellow Viceroys and got to the front of the
start line. Tough first 6km, hilly and ‘trail’ for part of it and then into T1. Got riding and loved the hilly technical course, made up some places – decent T2 until 50m into the run when my trainer got stuck in the mud and came off! cue loads of f’ing and blinding, lost momentum but tried v hard to keep the legs pumping for final out and back run. Mind willing, body not willing but persevered to cross the line.
Came 11th overall and 3rd in AG so v happy with that. European duathlon champs are in 2 weeks so a good tester.
As raced and reported by Mike Essex.