Lara agrees to train for the Worlds on an Alcohol Fuelled High – and has a hen do the weekend before Chicago!laraworlds

‘Towards the end of last year I thought I would sign up to the qualifying races for the world qualifiers. Partly because at Mark’s birthday I ‘made a deal’ with Colette. We said ‘it would be fun’ (I was very drunk!)

So I set about training over the winter and my Achilles and ankles kept playing up. Numerous trips to see the physio and I kept being told to stop running for periods of time, but it wasn’t helping. Then my friend announced her wedding date (I’m her bridesmaid) and it coincided with Chicago. So I just kind of gave up on training, although I continued to swim.

The 1st qualifier at St Neot’s was the most freezing swim ever, I’d already made my mind up I hadn’t trained enough to qualify, the swim really just made me feel like I’d complete the race but not really compete. The run was tough after a severe lack of training, I walked a lot! Continue reading