What are the different types of power metres?

Ian Saunders posed today question as he wanted to know What are the different types of power metres?

The use of power as a training tool 10 years ago was reserved for the elite or those with pots of cash. As already reported in coaches corner No5 about What are Watts? Watts are now considered to be the premier training tool for anyone who wishes to monitor their progress or wishes to improve to the next level.

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Pre race warm up?

What is the best way to warm up ahead of a race?

This can be very hard when event organisers have schedules to stick too. so 9/10 this could be no warm up in the water.
This could also result in transition being closed and you find yourself standing around waiting. So what can you do.

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What if it goes wrong?

Lucy Owen asked the question of What do we do if something goes wrong?

Firstly, if the triathlon / cycling gods wish to test you then they will test you. It’s not worth stressing about as at times there’s nothing we can do for factors outside our control. BUT what can control is your mind set and then strategy to get back into the game.

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Calvin Woods posed today’s coaches corner question. He wanted to know the difference between clincher & tubular wheels.

What are the different types of wheels?
There are four different types of wheel now on the market, they are clinchers (either carbon rim or traditional aluminium), then you have tubular wheels and a more recent addition in the tubeless clincher.

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Lara asked today’s Coaches Corner question as she wanted to know about how to run efficiently and the terminology that goes with it

Over striding: look many running over stride resulting in the heel striking the floor first – this is a breaking action causing you to slow down and also aid to the increase chances of injury as a result. You should think about running in a phone box. This will stop you from over striding.

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Recovery & Racing

Hannah has posed today’s Coaches Corner question. She wanted to know about training & racing and how much rest & when.

Why rest?
Rest allows the body to repair muscle cells that have been stressed during exercise. The body needs time to adapt to the demands placed upon it during prolonged periods of training. If the body is not given regular periods of reduced intensity, then it will become fatigued and weak. This will then naturally effect the body’s ability to train and perform.

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Training / Racing & illness

Today’s Coaches Corner question has been asked by Simon Tacx as well as couple of other members this week. Simon wanted to more about training or racing with illness.

Firstly I am not a doctor so all the information below is based on personal opinion and

Your body will give you subtle hints, so ask fatigue, tiredness, loss of appetite, poor sleep quality, temperature as well as the classic signs of coughing, running noise etc. Also looks to other factors during your training. Is your normal working heart rate higher than normal, are you finding that you aren’t as powerful, strong etc. These are key signs saying that your body is stress out due to illness or over training with insufficient rest. You might be eating or drinking more as the body will be using key energy stores to fit the illness or infection.

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Correct number of sessions

Morning Andre asked today’s Coaches Corner question which was What are the correct number of session per discipline per week?

One of the hardest things in triathlon is to get the correct balance of sessions across the course of the week. Single discipline sports such as running or cycling don’t have this as a major concern – squeezing in the training, but with three sports init one this can be the case.

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