Joel’s Speedy Transition at Dorney – thanks Mr Y!

JoelJoel Stainton raced in Wave 4 sprint 35-39 male at Dorney Lake (run by VO2) and tells us about his experience:

‘ I Lucked out with the weather this morning; not too hot, no rain. Swim was tough as first half was straight into a headwind but came out a minute faster than last year. Bike course different from last few years so it was up into the wind on the far side then back down the middle and, again managed a faster time than last year. Felt heavy legged at the start of the run but got overtaken 500m in by someone I felt I should be beating so hung onto the shoulder for the next 4.5k and crossed the line at exactly the same time in 1:08; a PB for me by 90 seconds.

Best bit of the race ? 0:59 for T1 all thanks to Mark’s superstar transition training. Notes on my hand of bike location, exact order once at the bike, pedals in right place and lots & lots of Vaseline!’

Well raced Joel!