Pete Bell within SECONDS of his sub 5 hour 70.3 target!

During winter Pete Bell set his main target for 2014: go under 5hrs in a half-iron distance triathlon;  Sunday was his first of two attempts this year to achieve that goal.

‘Imagine my despair when I find out the bike course has been changed and now includes 3 loops with tough/nasty little climbs and not the original far easier rolling route. And then, morning of the race, they change the swim – 2 laps of a very narrow swim in the Thames with a mere 500 blokes all going off at the same time – my chances of achieving my target are surely all but gone…forget it. Race and soak up the experience for the next 70.3 race later in the year.

 Very early Sunday morning and setting up my racking spot – there’s Lloyd Cosgrove getting ready. Lloyd’s a better swimmer and cyclist than me. I knew I was going to have the chase my team-mate down on the run if I could.

 Into the water – good luck handshakes with Lloyd. I warm up in the Thames then sneak up to the nearside bank out of any (minimal) current as far forward as I dare. Why are we waiting so long? I look round and there are still hundreds piling into the water…Ignore them just focus on getting away. Go! Start Swimming; Stop – There’s no space; Swim; Stop – there’s no water only bodies clad in neoprene; Swim; Stop – all the way to the first buoy about 200-300m up river. What a nightmare – get round the turning buoy. Finally! Some clear water and a pair of feet to draft off – now, let’s get going. There’s the exit – I climb out trying to avoid damaging the toe I hurt a few weeks ago (not entirely successfully). Glance at my watch – 35 mins – about 2-3 mins slower than I wanted but given the start, fair enough…uneventful transition and on to the bike. Continue reading