Triathlon Domination Continues for Yeoman: 1st, 3rd, 1st, 2nd

Viceroys’ Chairman Mark Yeoman has qualified for the world champs in Canada, but the hard work certainly doesn’t stop now; he gives us a report of a normal manic week for those at the top of AG triathlon:

‘It started last Saturday with a new racing format in the style of an Humanrace Aquabike – 1000m swim & 20km bike. I wanted to use this as a brick session, so I hit the swim hard & pushed the pace with an ex national swimmer over the first lap, but he kicked on the second & got a 20m gap by the exit. However, by T1 I was back in the front & then hammered the bike, averaging 42kph & setting the fastest split of the day to win by over 2mins.

With no rest during the week I trained hard, with two double run days & leg busting sessions on the bike, so going into the VOTWO Dorney Olympic race the focus was not on outcome but on a tough brick session.

I was off in the second wave & Iooked to swim smartly in the lake by following the guide rolls under the water. I exited in a poor time of 20.52 (2nd fastest all day – Sorry Tom) but a healthy gap over the 2nd swimmer. VOTWO use an alternate route to human race, so I embarked on the eight laps looking to average 41kph. This is did and completed the 40km in 59.10 setting yet again the fastest split of the day. As I ran out of T2 I was surprise how ‘okay’ my legs felt, so I looked to settle in for the first lap & do a negative split on the second. I was happy with the 39 10.2km time giving me an overall time of 2.01 exactly & 2nd place overall. Only a minute off 1st (stupid swim). Considering the week & recent race results of 1st overall, 3rd overall, AG Bronze, 1st overall & now 2nd overall I’m super happy with how training is going ahead of the world championship.

Taper this week in preparation for a sprint next week where I’m hoping to see the run come good

Thanks for the continual support.’