Alan Clarke and Charlotte Saunders Race to Victory in 2up TT

Alan Clarke and Charlotte Saunders took part in the Farnham 10 TT at Bentley yesterday evening. The race was down as a 25mile but they changed it to a 10 as the weather and light was poor. Neither Viceroys moaned about the shorter race in the grim weather thought; Clarkie tells us how it went:

‘I had a mad rush to get my kit and by bike together while Charlotte paced around waiting for me to get my arse into gear. We raced together in a 25m over a month ago, as part of our training for the Duo Normand later this year, so today was a test to see if our fitness and ability to ride as a pair had improved. With no warm up, a cold wind and the start of rain we got to the start and knew we’d at least win our race…we were the only 2up in the race. Our plan was to work hard into the wind going out and use the wind on the return leg to hang onto the pace we’d set on the way out. After a steady start we got into a good pace and as my legs started to burn – I thought I’d hear the cry to ease off and slow down. It never came and we smashed our way round, increasing out speed on the home leg, overtaking 4 of our minute men (well 30sec men) to finishin 23:32. That’s a great effort especially in the wind, rain and no time to warm up. We’re looking good for the Duo and hope to get another few races under our belt to really get our name as near to the top as we can in the name of VTC and the pink kit.’