Worlds – Yeoman Qualified

As a top amateur  triathlete it’s all about qualifying for the Worlds, the World Championships –  and this year we are proud to have 7 Viceroys all competing to challenge the best in the world at triathlon in Edmonton, Canada. Shropshire Olympic,  Nottingham sprint, Deva Olympic, Rother Valley Sprint, Dambuster Olympic and Milton Keynes Sprint are the races which we need to hold our breaths for as Mark Yeoman, Mike Armer, Mark Edmunds, Colette Kitterhing, Carla Gilbey, Colin Hinsley, Tim Ferguson take a step towards living the triathlon dream.MarkYworlds

Mark Yeoman and Mike Armer headed to Ellesmere this weekend for the first round of qualifiers as the rain started to come down – it promised to be a wet and slightly windy day in Shropshire

Mike remembers: ‘As I racked up the bike, I spotted Yeoman pacing around transition, just as we heard a loud explosion….Poor number 267; his back tyre had popped on the rack! I was due off at 10:35am, with Yeoman 10 mins behind – I wondered when I would get the tap as he passed me… The swim was a frantic start with more stray arms than I had seen in a while. But, happily, calm waters and a 1 lap diamond shape meant the turns were not so congested. I kept trying to remember the drafting practise we had done at the lake, but then found myself fighting others to get on the toes of the guy in front. I exited the lake with a solid swim of 23:28.

I had been practising my bike mount with shoes clipped in at home. Unfortunately I had only been practising whilst the bike was on the turbo…..lesson learned… prepared, attend the Transition master class! I managed to get on the bike but when reaching down to guide my foot in to the shoe, I couldn’t reach… disaster! I gave a few spectators a laugh as I stumbled off my bike, and ripped my shoes off the pedals to get them on the old fashioned way! Regaining my composure, I set off on a relatively undulating, wet course. The first 20km felt good, but on the return to Ellesmere, the head wind took it’s toll – no wonder the first 20k had felt nice and fast! Hung on for a 1 hr 07 mins. Just the run to get through and it was tough – short ups and downs which sapped the legs. Mr Yeoman arrived on my shoulder at 5km, having made up the 10 mins, and then disappeared off into the distance on his way to a 3rd place.’

Mark had hit the swim hard and lead from the start and opened a nice lead. Each wave had gone off in 5min intervals, so he soon had to swim through the women’s water which at the turns buoys cost him, but he still exited in 19.50 – around a minute off what he needed.

Mark continues: ‘ The bike was bloody hard and not my preferred course – Welsh hills and nothing flat. So I pushed as hard as I could. I suffered over the last 8km into a strong head wind. Entering into T2 I was still first in AG but after 1km Martin Jessup eased by. The run was a killer, double out and back with two hills on the first out and then slow incline on the second. I eased up to Michael around 6km feel ropey, By 7km by legs where cooked and I knew I was slowing as the 18.30 first 5km soon caught up. Rule #5 Rule #5. I was slowing but by how much. with 1km to go I dropped a place but he told me that there was no one near so I shuffled home to secure 3rd AG and my automatic place for the Worlds (WOO HOO – GO YEO!). I’m over the moon as the race went well and with more run focus that final 4km will come.’

Mike secured a 42:35 10km to finish, and was delighted with an overall PB of 2hrs 15 mins, but in 17th place, it shows the utter commitment our 6 remaining Viceroys will need to get one of those GB spots….roll on Deva (for Mike) and Nottingham for other VTCs!