Welcome to Viceroys Phil – a self confessed lover of PINK

Welcome to Viceroys Phil Sumner, so what’s your story?

‘In 2008 I decided I wanted to get fitter so I could chase my little kids around the park and play with them, I was lazy overweight and couldn’t run a bath. I started at the gym on the treadmill. Got up to 5 k then started my running career in 10ks and was very proud of myself , thinking I was athlete of the year, I joined Elmbridge road runners in 2008, to my surprise I was the slowest member, what a shock that was lol. I persevered and became an active club member. I have now ran a few marathons and similar events, in 2012 I did the Ball Buster and had a go at an Olympic Triathlon.

After being injured in January 2013 I deferred my London Marathon place and entered the Ironman UK, which to my surprise and many other I scraped under 13 hours in, I promised my wife I would never do another one due to the time constraints and my young kids. I have only joined you guys as I love wearing pink, I have told my wife that I have no intentions of doing any other crazy events although I am booked on 70.3 Wimbleball, and 70.3 Weymouth this year, Bring it on NEVER SHOW WEAKNESS ! ps don’t let the wife see this !! Picture is of me posing on the marathon leg in Bolton , what a day that was… Fantastic. Looking forward to meeting you all!’