Welcome to Viceroys Kyle

‘Hello everyone, I’m Kyle 39 year old aerospace inspector originally from Lincolnshire.
I’ve spent the last 15 years living and working around most airports in Western Europe but now settled with my partner in Wandsworth Town and working just outside of Heathrow.

I’ve always been quite sporty but this year I gave up the fags, cut out the junk food, knocked the beer on the head, joined a gym and a triathlon club! That was last January my training is going well, so far so good, just done my first Tough Mudder and I’veĀ  my first sprint at Dorney lakeĀ  – 6 more triathlons over the summer as well as a marathon in Bournemouth on 5th October! so plenty to be getting on with.

I look forward to meeting more of you over the next few months.’

Impressive schedule Kyle, we look forward to meeting you and hearing more!