Colette Battles it out in the Final Metres – AGAIN!

I always knew The Mini Marshman could be a windy race, having grown up on the dead flat lands of Romney Marsh down on the Kent Coast I knew the wind was relentless but in my mind it would be a sunny brisk morning, perfect for an early season race and catching up with my parents.
So the day arrived, Saturday 5.30am and my alarm went off, it needn’t have as I was already awake as the rain beat against the window. As I opened the curtains I was greeted by the sights of heavy rain, standing water and very strong winds. Never have I wanted to see a cancelation email so much. After a quiet word with myself to stop being such a wimp I headed off to windswept Lydd. It did not start well, I can honestly say I have never experienced a swim like this. I usually love the swim, it’s my favourite discipline, but this felt like drowning! The first 300m were straight into a headwind, I felt like I was going nowhere, waves cresting over my head, not being able to sight, couldn’t find my space or rhythm, I felt sick, I just wanted it over.
At this point I was thinking,’Bbugger this, I don’t care about times or positions I just want to finish’. I have never felt so bad in a swim. Them at last we turned and with the wind behind me I could get some composure and regain some places (I later found that there were several who needed picking up by the kayak, or just turned back).
Not a great T1, but at this stage I had written my race off.
Off on the bike, simple course to Camber and back. By this time the winds were gusting at 60kmh, head down I think I learnt the meaning of “shut up legs”. I spotted a lady upfront and so the competition kicked in again for me. Tucked up as much as I could, pushing pushing pushing I caught and took her, then another, this was hurting but was fun. As I got to Camber, where we  doubled back on ourselves I realised there was only one other lady in front. She was too far out to catch but could I keep my position….
Unfortunately I got caught as the set of lights turned red and lost my advantage on the number 3 lady. But as much as the way out was like being sand blasted the way back was like flying, I was determined to get my gain back, wish I had my Garmin on to see quite how fast it was. Pushing pushing pushing.
Off the bike and out on to the run, an unnecessarily long 6.3k (what extend the pain!. Lady number 3 was not far behind and caught up with me at about 1k.  Determined to keep her off I paced it out for what felt like an eternity. Oh how I wanted it to end. I had managed to build a good 150m between me at number 3, I was feeling quite pleased.
Then the noise I had been dreading, right at the end, that sound of fast feet. I know what was about to happen, I told my legs to go faster, but nothing, they just would not budge. And so, as like last week I lost my position in the final 500m. Only this time she was about 18, so that made me feeling better. I have to sort my run out!
This was my toughest race to date, physically and emotionally. I’m pleased I did it, and pleased wit my result. All good experience.
Will I go back for more next year?  I’m not sure….3rd Ladies; 2nd in Cat; 16th OA