Welcome to Viceroys Geoff

‘I’m normally only a summer cyclist commuting into work in London from Shepperton 2-3 times a week just to keep fit (ish). It’s a nice route along the river to Kingston, through Richmond Park, along the river to Putney and then the last 4-5 miles in traffic. This year I’ve signed up for the Ride London 100 miles event for Terrence Higgins Trust and so started training in late Feb. In March I managed over 330 miles over 19 rides including a 40 miler that included the Newlands Corner climb. Yet to take on Leith Hill figuring I need more fitness and hill experience/work first – I’m not good on hills.geoffread
I have joined Viceroys to get in some group riding, to learn a bit from everyone on technique, especially up hills (Ranmore last week was a good introduction) as well as for the social interaction to keep my motivation up over the months leading up to the big ride. I hope to find my enjoyment of cycling will mean I also keep up the training through next winter as would be nice to shed the pounds and keep them off. And finally a few beers with new friends would also be nice :)’
Welcome to Viceroys Geoff, we certainly sound like the right club for you!

Welcome to Viceroys Stuart

With the start of the 2014-15 season, we have an influx of new Viceorys, our first being Stuart Amory, who is a successful ‘celebrity’ personal trainer based in SW London (it’s true, you can even Google him!):stuartamory

‘I left the RAF in 2005 where I was a Physical Training Instructor and Parachute Jumping Instructor for 10 years. I’m very active on twitter and through my hashtag #FitTeam14 (changes every year obv) I aim to motivate the masses, or those who follow me to get fitter and lead healthier lifestyles. I’ve always been a keen runner and a few years ago became addicted to parkrun and the goal of decreasing my PB. Feeling the self induced pressure of my followers to lead by example I declared I would do a sub 3 hour marathon and after 2 attempts (PB 3.05.06) this is still a goal I wish to conquer. Having now done 7 triathlons, another goal I have is to do an ironman in 2015…why 2015? Well, I have a young family and want to space out the training/cost and to quieten down people who’ve said that I could do an ironman. Oh and I’m 40 in 2015 too! 

I’ve joined Viceroys Triathlon Club to help me realise that there’s actually 3 disciplines in a triathlon so any help in the water and on two wheels would be gratefully appreciated…and pink suits me! ‘

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals Stuart, welcome to VTC.