Welcome to Viceroys Carl

Welcome to Viceroys Carl Allott – a  bit about him!CarlAllott
I grew up in the Penines in West Yorkshire where I lived until I was 18, so you would expect that I would be used to hills, but no, I still don’t like them. I have played Rugby League all my life, which I love, but it has kind of wrecked by body (at just 32). I moved out to Japan after University and taught snowboarding, switching between Japan and New Zealand for a few years. Eventually came back to the UK five years ago, wasn’t too sure what to do and got a job down here in London. I currently live in the very leafy Bookham with my partner and two dogs.
I had a major op two years ago on my shoulder (one of the gifts from playing Rugby) so haven’t really done much sporting activity since then. I’m a bit restricted on what sports I can do now due to my shoulder, so in Jan I decided enough was enough and started to train on and off for a Triathlon with my sister inlaw (as it’s no impact but multi sport).
My history of the different triathlon sports is a bit varied and I have never really trained specifically for one of them as an adult (I only got a bike a month ago, urghh). The plan this year is to do a Sprint Triathlon (I’m booked on one for the 27th April), see how badly it kills me and try a full triathlon after that.
I am looking forward to getting involved in some training / social sessions, although I am a little restricted with what I can get to in the week, with working in London and having two dogs that need walking. I will mainly be getting involved at the weekends (week days when I can). Hope to see you all soon.