Welcome to Viceroys Julian

Julian Marsh is another extreme endurance triathlete, who joined Viceroys, ‘as I have registered for the UK Ironman in 2014 and wanted to have some training partners and meet like-minded individuals. I have always done a lot of swimming and a fair bit of running, but was missing the cycling part until I did the London- Brighton a few years ago. I then registered for the Olympic Distance London triathlon in 2012 and then again in 2013 and decided to take it up a level this year.ironman uk

I am 36 and would consider myself an intermediate level (I will not be qualifying for Kona), but enjoy the challenge of pushing my body. I have always enjoyed team sports and joining the club will hopefully make an individual sport feel that way. I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know them better.’

Good luck with your training Julian and welcome to Viceroys.