Thames Turbo 1 – The tri Season has Begun!

Two newbie Viceorys (Rachel and Mick) headed to Hampton for the first Thames Turbo of the season, but only one made it as Rachel got 2 punctures on the way. Mick did the club proud though and came away with a cracking 1.14.30 for his first triathlon.
Mick tells us: ‘ I have to be pleased with the time and thankful for the perfect weather conditions.As for the race itself, I had an okay swim, despite managing to tear my own goggles off during a lane change and getting stuck behind slow moving traffic. The bike was a blast. I had a private battle with another guy as we egged each other on – all in good spirits. He over took me 3 times, but I took him 4 and dropped him coming through Sunbury on the way back. I did have to completely stop at 2 roundabouts for traffic, which was just bad luck, but I’m sure many of us out there had similar experiences. The run was good for me as my knee held out and couldn’t help but beam with delight as I crossed the finish line, mainly because I knew I could go home and open my Easter eggs that I had left as a reward for myself!!’
Great racing Mick.