Welcome to Viceroys Pam

Happy Easter Viceroys – and what a lovely surprise Easter present Viceroy Carl brought for his lovely wife – VTC membership:Pam WinstanleyFisher

My slight ‘surprise’ Viceroy membership was thanks to my darling Husband, Carl (already a Viceroy), who’s been on at me for sometime to join, emphasising the benefits I could get from it.  First I knew was when I received a lovely email from Kate welcoming me!!

I have always enjoyed being active, running and the gym mainly, in later years squeezing in what I can, when I can, whilst juggling two jobs, two kids and their clubs, house, garden and husband!
After I saw Carl’s interest in Triathlon grow, I fancied having a go myself, a new challenge is always good…one thing though, I could barely swim 25m!  So, had a go at a Duathlon, which was rather tough and thought if I learned to swim, Tri may be easier!? So, I started and stuck out lessons for little over a year, by then feeling confident to try a Thames Turbo Sprint and enjoyed it!  From there I’ve done a couple of the Shock Absorber Sprints at Dorney, Windsor Sprint last year and two 85K Cyclettas in the New Forest with a couple of friends, getting very wet last year…..
I’ve really enjoyed taking part and although not the fastest or the strongest, each one is my own personal victory – that I did it. I hope to get to some of the Viceroy training sessions, lake, track and Sat Developmental rides, that will hopefully help me get a little faster and a little stronger for this year! It will also be nice to meet some new people, have some new experiences and have some fun!’
Welcome to Viceroys Pam, let’s hope we’re a nice surprise!