Welcome to Viceroys Lisa

Lisa Price (among other new Viceroys) joins us from another local based tri club where she’s done a few sprint triathlons:   ‘I recently bought a house in Walton with my boyfriend (just ran his 15th marathon!!) and being a member of a local club really appeals; less distance to travel for training, getting to know the local area and everyone at Viceroys seems so friendly.LisaPrice

Until December I was doing what we all do and fitting training around family, friends and a busy job as a primary school teacher.  Then, just before Christmas, I had a painful back injury.  It set me back a bit and I’m now very cautious and still not running again yet.  I have no triathlons planned this year but, to my amazement, I got a place in Ride London so need to step up my cycling!

I would like to have a bit more structure to my training, a bit of motivation and lots of fun! Injury free of course!’

Welcome to Viceroys Lisa, we look forward to supporting you in your recovery and return to triathlon… and socialising too of course!