How’s your winter training going ANDREW TUGWELL?

‘As last year was my first competing triathlon I didn’t really have any targets so just tried a bit of everything ,tri,running races ,cycling races and even a swimming race at the club champs. I must say my highlight of the year was completing the ball buster in under three hours,three hours of fun followed by 48 hours of pain,won’t put me of though planning to enter again this year. tugwell
So this year I can have a target, without sounding big headed I don’t really see where I can improve my bike or run,as long as I keep my legs turning, so that leaves the swim,I completed the club swim in 25 min but would love to get down to 23 min but I think 24 is more likely! Also I would like to beat the ball buster time I set myself, let’s see…
I have four events booked for February/March, Valentines 10, Kenly10,Breakfast Run 8mile and the Cobbler Classic bike race 65 miles,so the turbo and treadmill have been busy the last couple of weeks – I will also be booking a few triathlons so watch this space!
My favourite training session at the mo is loops of Molesey Heath,great bit of running over there if anyone knows it, maybe see you there; looking forward to the track sessions and can’t wait to get in the lake again,2014 here we come…’