Welcome to New Viceroy Calvin

calvin2‘I moved to Surrey from Somerset a little over 10 years ago –  I have always been active and played numerous sports. I used to swim and run at school so I always had that in me. Once I moved here I played rugby at The Vandals but over time I have slowly been less involved. I have ran with The Elmbridge Road Runners for a few years and have joined The Viceroys for some extra variety. In 2012 I ran 2 marathons, 2 half Iron Man events and the Grand Fondo Dragon Ride (Bonked but finished). I am keen to do something like that again in 2014, already signed up for the Paris and Berlin marathons. I look forward to training, learning and more importantly socialising with The Viceroys – hope to enter a few events with you all too.’

Welcome to Viceroys Calvin.