Tugwell takes on Toughest Duathlon: BALLBUSTER!

The Ball Buster Duathlon: 8 mile run, 24 mile bike and 8 mile run – tough, yes? But if those stats aren’t enough, the course takes you up, down and around Box Hill. Andy Tugwell tells us the story of his race:tugwell

‘Got there nice and early to witness the sun coming up and was thinking it was a nice day for racing. I started the run and was feeling good , I just behind the second group; I was still there and feeling good for the transition but by then the freezing sideways rain had started so it made the bike loops very tricky. At one point we were bunched and doing 35mph down Lodge Bottom Road(which most of the Viceroys probably know)- a bit scary but lots of fun…came in for the second run and was feeling good, stayed at a good pace and came in 3min over my first run time, so well pleased. 

I must say that this was probably the toughest race I have done, so to beat that 3hour mark was great, bring on next year!’