Hever Castle Tri: 3 Crazy Viceroys Trip, Drag and Bounce their way around Kent Countryside

Viceroys’ 2 nominees for ‘Most Mental Club Member’ (Carla and Anna) lived up to their accolades as they travelled down to Hever Castle with handicapped swim Club Championship winner Adel to tackle The Gauntlet (1/2 iron Man) and 2 Olympic Distance Triathlons respectively.  And according to our most mental, Hever is by far one of the most difficult events of the triathlon season, making other events feel like a walk in the park!hever

Speaking to mountain goat 1/2 Iron Man Anna first, who told us on Monday afternoon: ‘I can barely type … I am utterly exhausted .. What a tough race! It took me 6 hours and 13 minutes to finish – even the winning lady took 5 hours 15. The good bit was the end. The best bit was hearing Carla’s voice in T2…. Cheering me on and lifting my spirits. The worst bit was the start the middle and everything up until the end. Harder than Wimbleball half ironman although every bit as beautiful. Would I do it again? Only with a lot more training… Not a race for the faint hearted. ‘hever2

Bouncing Carla loved her first ever Olympic Distance: ‘Fabulous! Water Temp 14, 2 caps and rash vest under the Tri Suit, the race captain on the mic to start with calmed my nerves but as soon as I entered the water I reverted back to my pre season nightmare and it was horrendous. The gun went off, I was in a strong pack, got kicked to buggery in muddy water and then had to lay on my back as the back of my knees locked up in the most painful cramp. I was joined at the kayak by another lady who was crying so my mind diverted to her instead of me, in doing so I managed to sort myself out and set back off on the swim – awful, awful experience!’ Continue reading