Trevor Takes Another top AG Placing – 2nd at Portsmouth

Viceroys Fab and Trevor travelled to the  south coast to complete the Portsmouth Triathlon. As FAB AT VACHERYthey were unable to register  the day before they had to be there before 5.30am, arriving bleary eyed at 0515 in the morning, registered then set up in transition – in the  dark!
‘This was to be the last race of the season for both of us and the Standard distance. I hadn’t done an Olympic for three years as I had  been content to just do Sprints so I was a little apprehensive. The swim  was in the sea and the tide was low so this necessitated a “sea run” to   the first buoy. The bike was fast and flat consisting of one long loop of 12k  out through the Naval Dock Yard then four shorter laps of 7k The run was again a  fairly flat two lap course out and back by the sea. Continue reading