8 Viceroys Hit Thorpe Park – for a Sprint Triathlon!

Thorpe Park was the latest tri venue for Viceroys Tim, Simon C, Simon P, Lara, Jon , Kate, Suze and newest VTC member Ian Talbot, who had barely finished filling in his registration forms before being embraced by his new team members. An early and chaotic start for most (Lara just returned from a work trip to Germany where she didn’t sleep and wasn’t fed; Kate & Jon both forget their race belts; Ian was complaining of sore legs from Wednesday’s run…) actually meant all entered the face fairly relaxed after sharing woes with fellow Viceroys in transition.thorpeparktri2

The swim was predictabley cold, but what none of the Viceroys banked on was the huge amount of weed on the first 2 sides of the 750m swim route. This did not put off our 2 speediest Viceroys Tim and Simon Colvan though as they cut through the water in 14:30 and 14:57..

The bike course was flat, fast and familiar, which made everyone happy. Continue reading