4 GBR Viceroys, 1 SA at World Championships, Hyde Park

Viceroy Deon Coetzee competed for South Africa in the ITU World Championships, but for him one event was not enough, competing in both the  aquathlon and standard distance champs.
‘Aquathlon –  I had a very good swim to come out near the front and then hung on for a 7th place finish in my age group- this was a tough race.
Standard race- they cut the swim by half saying it was too cold so I didn’t have the advantage I had hoped for going onto the bike. Came out of the swim near the front and hit the transition and bike hard. Rode well but was still passed by a few people. I hit my targeted bike split despite the wind blowing gales for our race, which I was happy with and then I hit the run leg. I felt pretty strong on the run and proceeded to reel back some of the time lost on the bike. Passed loads of people and finished with a good enough run split. I ended up 58th in my age group. The level was the best I have seen at a world champs so was not to disappointed with this placing as I performed as well as I had trained.’