Diamond Triathlon – Lara and Colette Battle it Out at Dorney

Lara and Colette headed to Dorney for the Diamond Triathlon – an Olympic Distance Race -and battled it out together. The race started with drama for Colette, as she was just minutes away from missing it, still struggling to get her wet suit on as everyone entered the water! So, blood pressure through the roof and adrenaline pumping the race began…diamondtri

Lara remembers: ‘I managed to hold onto Colette’s toes on the swim (literally sometimes – sorry Colette!) We exited in the first group other than one girl who was way out in front. I had a super fast transition and exited T1 second, despite falling over taking my wetsuit off and crashing into the barrier trying to get on my bike with calf cramp!’ Colette’s transition was much more leisurely as she calmed down from her dramatic start and a wide swim which had added a few extra metres to her 1500m.

So, on to the bike and 8 laps of Dorney Lake. Colette ‘felt all was going well until the wind got up and then bang, like cycling though treacle. Continue reading