Puncture and a PB – Yeo triumphs again

‘Well the run of good results sorted of ended today with a puncture. Did the F3 Berkshire Festival Olympic distance in foul conditions. The race was going to be hot with European AG champion and double Olympian Toby Garbett as well as Karl Alexander (Kona bound). After this week I had little mojo and after a tough start to the swim I swam on Toby’s toes and we exited in a lazy 21mins.

On the bike we soon extended our lead which we both would need over Alexander. However after three laps Toby got a flat and then on lap 5 with around 90 second lead so did I. I have never seen so many racing walking back. However, a group of us still decided to do the 10km run route and I did a low 37 and PB so not all bad. Three weeks until another sprint then the final race on the 22nd which is a European qualifier for Kitzbual which will be nice.’

As raced and reported by Mark Yeoman.