Rick Kiddle – Coached Triathlon and Wellness Session

Viceroys Kate, Jon, Nicola and Em were lucky enough to be beneficiaries of a prize draw at Thorpe 3 Triathlon, which led to an informative and eye opening coached triathlon session and Wellness Profile with the inspirational Rick Kiddle. Rick,  former British Triathlon Champion and National Triathlon Coach has a mind boggling CV (20 years triathlon competition; 15 years coaching; BTF level 3 books; NOWCA founder; he brought spinning to the UK!) but was approachable, charismatic and engaging to listen to.DSCN0233


Although only uncovering the tip of the iceberg, we looked at heart rate zones in relation to effective training and then moved on to each being put onto the scales for some body composition readings… as we analysed weight, body fat %, muscle mass, physique, DCI/BMR, Metabolic Age, Bone Mass, Visceral Fat it became abundantly clear that there’s more to training than getting out for a few swims, runs and cycles! Continue reading