Iron (wo)man Julia – Kona Bound for World Champs!

ironmanKonaViceroy Julia Hawley raced IronMan UK last weekend, but the story of this immense achievement does not end there. Julia finished a staggering  2nd in the 50-54 age group in 11:41.44 and  was 21st female and 260th overall ( 1,602 competitors).Julia tells her awe inspiring story:

‘I had the race of my life! I was leading my age group until the last 7 miles of the run when Jo Gundle of GBR passed me to win the age group ( she ran an amazing 3:49 marathon to finish!).

There was only 1 Hawaii IM spot in my age group and the first place took it. Somehow the Kona gods were on my side though and I was allocated an untaken Hawaii spot from the 18-24 age group during the awards ceremony the next day. Needless to say I was a tad excited when I won the spot!!

This has been a four year endeavour to get back to Hawaii for a 2nd time and it has so been worth the sacrifice, hard work and disappointments along the way.

Hawaii is on October 12th and I plan to have an amazing race there too!!’

We’ll all be supporting you at Kona Julia.