Viceroys Adel, James, Karl, Yann, Lara and Kate all headed to London Triathlon with very different expectations and experiences. Our most seasoned triathletes Adel and James competed alongside the likes of Yann, Karl, Lara and Kate all of who were attempting their first London and first Olympic too for the latter three.lONDON2

Adel enjoyed the swim and the cycling but found running very hard, particularly lap1 and then in lap2 he ran into a traffic cone and fell over! Adel tells us:’But I rolled over straight back onto my feet. Pity there was no camera about, I am sure it looked good bear in mind I am not a stuntman…it was nice to hear the encouragements of the runners behind me. Last years race went slightly better, but I am pleased with my result and I achieved my race goal with 2.48h.

What a fantastic event and I am going sign up for next year!’ Continue reading

London Tri – from the perspective of an ELITE male

Deon’s pink Viceroys tri suit, his little crowd of squealing Viceroys supporters and Viceroys’ very own professional photographer (Jon) asking Deon to pose for a photo at the start of the elite male race, certainly made him stand out from the rest – but how was the rest of his Olympic Tri?LONDON5

‘It was brutal from the gun. With the temperatures over the last few days it was decided on a non-wetsuit swim. In the elite race this makes no difference to anyone as they can all swim just fine. So the pace was fast and physical with many a kick and arm pull under the water. The wind had picked up by the time we started so we swam back into a heavy chop which made it tough. Needless to say the swim times weren’t super fast. I managed to get into a nice swim bunch and had a fairly average swim. Coming out the water it was the long leg sapping run to the bike along one of the longest transitions in triathlon. By the time u get to the bike your legs are already finished at that pace. Continue reading