Viceroys take Vachery by Storm: 1st; 3rd; 3rd

Trevor, Conor, Fab, Phil Goss, Pete Bell, Em and Colette took the Vachery Triathlon Festival by storm this weekend – achieving between them an amazing one AG winner (Trevor, who would equally have been winner in either of the 2 age groups beneath his ‘vintage’ group) a third place overall sprint female (Colette) and a third AG place (Fab). Conor completed his first ever Olympic tri and all competed an a challenging race over some brutal hills.vachery

Panic was the first reaction of each competitor to the lake swim: for Phil, being told on arrival that wet suits were banned did not go down too well, having not swum OW without one before (apart from at the beach, obviously!), his stomach turned – but worse was to come. Each competitor told their own horror story of reeds and water lillies hooking themselves around arms, legs and goggles. Continue reading