Simon Tack – First Olympic Tri

For Simon Tack the MAA triathlon was his second ever tri and his first Olympic Distance event. The timing for Simon wasn’t great as he was just recovering from a lung infection, but 15th in his age group 45th overall are not bad stats! Even more worthy of  congratulations are that Simon managed a personal best in the cycling and most importantly a PB in the run.SimonT2

Simon says: ‘The run is by far my weakest discipline but I managed a 54.12 even though I left transition with my helmet on, did not realise for 150m so had to run back to the exit and give it to a marshal. Prize muppet. Still, the first time I have run under 57 minutes for a 10k and it was after the other 2 events. Colette was racing as well which really made the day.’

Times:SWIM 26.45; T1 02.31; CYCLE 1.22.11; T2 01.24;RUN 54.20

TOTAL 2.47.12

Good luck with your next race Simon – a 70.3 at Eton none-the-less!