Viceroys Adel, James, Karl, Yann, Lara and Kate all headed to London Triathlon with very different expectations and experiences. Our most seasoned triathletes Adel and James competed alongside the likes of Yann, Karl, Lara and Kate all of who were attempting their first London and first Olympic too for the latter three.lONDON2

Adel enjoyed the swim and the cycling but found running very hard, particularly lap1 and then in lap2 he ran into a traffic cone and fell over! Adel tells us:’But I rolled over straight back onto my feet. Pity there was no camera about, I am sure it looked good bear in mind I am not a stuntman…it was nice to hear the encouragements of the runners behind me. Last years race went slightly better, but I am pleased with my result and I achieved my race goal with 2.48h.

What a fantastic event and I am going sign up for next year!’ Continue reading

London Tri – from the perspective of an ELITE male

Deon’s pink Viceroys tri suit, his little crowd of squealing Viceroys supporters and Viceroys’ very own professional photographer (Jon) asking Deon to pose for a photo at the start of the elite male race, certainly made him stand out from the rest – but how was the rest of his Olympic Tri?LONDON5

‘It was brutal from the gun. With the temperatures over the last few days it was decided on a non-wetsuit swim. In the elite race this makes no difference to anyone as they can all swim just fine. So the pace was fast and physical with many a kick and arm pull under the water. The wind had picked up by the time we started so we swam back into a heavy chop which made it tough. Needless to say the swim times weren’t super fast. I managed to get into a nice swim bunch and had a fairly average swim. Coming out the water it was the long leg sapping run to the bike along one of the longest transitions in triathlon. By the time u get to the bike your legs are already finished at that pace. Continue reading

Hard as Nails… Northern Tri Surface Throws Tim from his Bike

Viceroy Tim Ferguson headed to the small North Eastern seaside town of Redcar which was hosting its second triathlon, a great looking event: sea swim, closed road cycle ride, on freshly surfaced roads, and a coastal run.Timredcar2

Tim reports: ‘Despite raining all the previous night the event started in warmer and drier conditions than expected. The swim was a beach start, very exciting, very professional. I had a reasonable start but swimming against the waves I held back intending to up the tempo at the first turn and I passed several swimmers in the next section, but alternate breathing was a bad idea and I swallowed large amounts of the North Sea. The last section was back to shore with the waves behind us and this felt fast and I passed a few more. My time incredibly was 10 minutes.Timredcar

I started the bike leg well picking off one rider after another. The course was 6 laps up and down the esplanade, a roundabout at one end and a bollard at the other, by the time I’d reached the bollard I was in a strong position and feeling fast. However, I hadn’t noticed the rather wicked chicane and in an effort to catch the rider ahead took it at full pelt, boom. Not exactly sure what happened but I gave the crowd a spectacle, I quickly remounted, and continued on my way, very aware that I was bleeding profusely but not really in pain, importantly the bike was fine. I let common sense reign and slowed down heavily at the corners, although the straights were fun and fast. I had a great dismount and was quickly out on the run. Continue reading

Welcome to New Viceroy Adam

Viceroys welcomes Adam Buck, another of our new breed of ‘Super Cyclists’, to our ranks – you may have seen him pedalling off in to the distance in front of you on group rides, or even remember his friendly email inviting us all down to the coast… nice 2 hour drive? NO, nice cycle for Adam.adambuck

Adam always been into fitness and sport anything from playing ice hockey to dinghy sailing for Great Britain, but one thing he has never lost is a passion for  cycling. He claims only really to have got into road cycling about a year ago! Adam is currently more of a cyclist and a runner than a tri athlete and  states: ‘to be honest what I know about swimming probably isn’t worth knowing. Hopefully getting involved with the Viceroys with give me the training I need to enter my first tri and meet some like minded people, I look forward to meeting everyone.’


Hampton Court to Kingston Swim – Race Report

Viceroys Simon T and Adel were among the 1061 crazy swimmers who started and 845 hardy swimmers who finished the 2.25 mile (3621 metres) swim from Hampton Court to Kingston. Simon spoke to MySmartCoach aka The Chairman aka Mark the Shark a month before the race and his instruction paid dividends.SimonTswim

Having got so used to swimming in a wetsuit Simon ditched it for his last 4 swims at the lake and pushed the distances – 4k in 2 sets then the following session 3.75 in one; he had done a 1 hour 16 on the last 3.75k and so was expecting a small improvement under race conditions wearing a wetsuit, possibly to 1 hour 10. Simon was delighed to finish in an impressive 1:01: 48, 131st overall (25/102 in AG) out of 845 finishers and 1061 starters – top 16% overall, with Adel close behind in 1:08:24 in 317th  place (27th in AG) Continue reading

Viceroys take Vachery by Storm: 1st; 3rd; 3rd

Trevor, Conor, Fab, Phil Goss, Pete Bell, Em and Colette took the Vachery Triathlon Festival by storm this weekend – achieving between them an amazing one AG winner (Trevor, who would equally have been winner in either of the 2 age groups beneath his ‘vintage’ group) a third place overall sprint female (Colette) and a third AG place (Fab). Conor completed his first ever Olympic tri and all competed an a challenging race over some brutal hills.vachery

Panic was the first reaction of each competitor to the lake swim: for Phil, being told on arrival that wet suits were banned did not go down too well, having not swum OW without one before (apart from at the beach, obviously!), his stomach turned – but worse was to come. Each competitor told their own horror story of reeds and water lillies hooking themselves around arms, legs and goggles. Continue reading

Viceroy Cyclists Compete too!

Graham Chapman competed cycled this weekend in the British Heart Foundation South Downs Way  and tells us: ‘ a day challenge which was 100 miles off road with 4000 metres of climbing over the course. A very tough yet enjoyable day if anyone wants to do it. Some of the descents were epic. The shallow ones were the best where you could pick up speed (blew the front tyre doing 35 mph down one such trail but managed to stop normally without landing on my head), had to spend a lot of time on the brakes on the steep ones avoiding large rocks and cow s**t (it’s slippery when fresh and rock hard when baked in the sun). It took 13 hours with a pub stop.’

Dorney Triathon Series: More Viceroys Success

Mark Yeoman, Simon Colvan,  Andy Tugwell and Joel Stainton all headed to Dorney – the first 2 for an Olympic race, the latter 2 for a Sprint Tri. Viceroy highlights were Andy’s 3rd (AG) place, Joel’s 4th (Sprint), Chairman Yeo’s 2nd (Olympic) and Simon’s first sub 2.30 Olympic .TugDorney

Chaiman Yeo (as always) had the most to prove, but had a tough pre race taper, as he had a full Saturday morning of coaching followed by swimming with 70.3 pro James Third. Lack of food, sleep & energy meant that he wasn’t looking forward to the race. After numerous pit stops he put on his wetsuit and struggled through the swim exiting in a close third. However, he I exited T1 in 2nd place by 2km he was in first.

Simon meanwhile adopted a couple of Coach’s techniques in the swim to post a 26-min swim followed by a commendable time of 1:16 on the bike. Continue reading

Thorpe 3: Training does make a Difference!

For Kate, Thorpe 3 was the second of this series she’s raced, so she was looking to take a few minutes off her time from the previous event; Jon was looking to set a swim pb as he has been racking up the kilometres in the lake. Both were disappointed with their lake performance, though perhaps not surprised – Jon zig zagged his way down the first long straight, adding metres to his swim, whilst Kate (used to swimming with the breast strokers) was disappointed that the well spread field meant she struggled to draft… but still took 1 minute off her previous swim time.katejont

Both competitors were pleased with their bike, Kate particularly as there were only 2 minutes between hers and Jon’s times on this discipline and she was 3 minutes faster than at Thorpe 1. A steady cross country run for them both, but one which certainly showed that this is the area which both have been missing out on in recent training sessions, left them both glad they’d made the 6am start – especially as there was only 2 minutes between their finishing times!

Viceroys Mother and Daughter Duo Kick British Tri Butt!

Erica Hawley competed in the National Youth Elite Series High Performance draft legal race in Liverpool, continuing to learn something and improve at every race she does. The race took place on the beautifully restored docks area of Liverpool with a pontoon swim start, 2 laps of a fast/flat bike and 2 laps of a fast run course Race conditions were perfect for a Bermudan  (31 degrees!); it was so hot that it was not a wetsuit legal race for the Elite races.JuliaErica

Erica was 15th overall ( 39:14) in a race which saw athletes from all over Britain race in this National Series event. The draft legal format is very exciting and tactical. Erica had a strong swim  and came out in the bunched top 1/3 of the field. She formed part of a pack of 6 riders. 2 of the riders from this group attacked towards the end of the bike and joined the front group of another 6 riders.

She held on to her run and fought for her place in the end.

And meanwhile, mum Julia  raced Olympic Distance ( British Age Group Championships) and came 5th in 50-54 in 2:22:20. Nice warm up race  before UK Ironman on August 4th! A great race for both, well done Julia and Erica.