Mid Life Crisis? There are worse reasons to join a tri club

Karen (pronounced CAR-un)  claims an early midlife crisis at 34 set her on the path to triathlon. After a Triathlon training day at David Lloyd, she got ‘roped into’ her first triathlon whilst on holiday in Florida – doesn’t sound too stressful so far!  A triathlon in Florida and she was hooked (wouldn’t we all be), although  she does admit that halfway through most races she curses herself for doing it and swears never again, but that is all soon forgotten:KarenCH

‘ Finishing a triathlon is, for me, one of the best most exciting feelings – it’s up there with graduating and getting married!!’

Karen’s done London Triathlon 5 times, Blenheim once, Windsor once, Woman’s Only at Dorney a few times, Hever Castle, the swim leg of a half iron man, a half marathon, and a few other random events. Long may your mid-lige crisis continue Karen, welcome to Viceroys.