Rother Valley Race Report

Tim Ferguson knew this was going to be a tough event as he got to racking and everyone was in high end kit. The swim was ferocious, ‘instead of front crawl I was attempting a sort of street dance freestyle. However once I remembered the swim tech that Mark had drilled into me I started to move through the field and picked up the pace for a strong finish’. A 4km climb on the bike leg pushed him to the limit, but none-the-less he started to glide through the field.rotherTim’s run didn’t start well, but thankfully this soon passed and he started to up the tempo imagining he was on the track and counting down the laps until the last 500m when he really picked up the pace, culminating in a crowd pleasing sprint finish. Pleasingly and slightly surprisingly Tim PBed in both the run and swim.

Tim says:’The organisation of this event was first rate and I can say, after a few beers, much food and plenty of rest, that I thoroughly enjoyed it.’ Next time a less dramatic race perhaps though Tim?

Another Day, Another New Viceroy

In Phil Goss we have picked up a frustrated marathon runner, who after several injury-marredPhilGoss attempts at training for a marathon, turned to triathlon last August and loved it.  Scheduled to do his second Olympic distance this Sunday at Windsor (if he can fix the big hole in his wetsuit!), Phil has moved onwards quickly from his first sprint tri a year ago.Phil states his tri career (all 365 days of it) highs and lows as:  being in Ali Brownlee’s wave at Abu Dhabi in March (Phil’s wife spoke to him at the end, but by the time he rolled in he’d showered, had his lunch and left) and getting sick from swimming in the Thames.

Just one tip for Phil… don’t mention your life long football playing to coach Yeo, but we all love your season’s goal and perhaps should make it a team one: ‘to burn enough calories to offset a dangerously high cake intake.’