1848th is an Awesome Result too!

I year ago, David Smith entered Blenheim Triathlon and enthusiastically persuaded his new tri club buddies to do the same. Kate, Jon, Nicola, Helen, Adel, Deon, Fleur all signed up to follow in Dave’s footsteps… but what actually happened on the day?

David did not turn up, doing nothing to dispel the rumour that he is no more than a  computer generated entity who manages aspects of our web site from a virtual world; Helen ditched Blenheim in favour of next week’s 70.3; Fleur was otherwise occupied with work and children; the remaining 5 competed in the triathlon, but managed to do so in 4 separate waves over 2 days!

So how did everyone do? Adel had a rather stressful start, as he turned up to transition with only 1 running trainer, but eventually had a strong race in all disciplines.Ex Iron Man Jon entered the supersprint to take on a new challenge, managing an excellent 11th in his AG despite being asked by kayak support if he was ok as he stopped to tread water for a bit during his swim. Well done to Nicola who tackled the washing machine terror of her first Open Water Swim Tri – great transitions and strong bike from her too. Kate was delighted to take 3 minutes off her swim time after drafting coaching from Mark, for the first time ever having the confidence to not just sit at the back of the pack. Great racing Viceroys.DSCN1818

Yann Completes First Ever Tri

Completing a first triathlon is a major achievement even if some Viceroys could do so in their sleep.
Yann Umbricht entered sprint Thorpe challenge primarily for the experience and really liked it but  stated afterwards: “God I need to practice the swimming a lot more!” Yann trained hard during the winter to cycle solo to Paris and do the Paris marathon for  charity, so  he did well in his swim and run disciplines.Although recovering from a foot stressed fracture he still sped home in 21 minutes in the 5k run!
So what’s next Yann? “Post race, my left leg is not very happy with me so improving my swimming and finding out what’s wrong is going to be high on the agenda over the next few weeks. I’m booked for the Olympic distance London Virgin london tri end of July, so lots of work to do. I’m going to use the wetsuit a lot!!! “
I’m booked for the Olympic distance London Virgin london tri end of July, so lots of work to do. I’m going to use the wetsuit a lot!!!