2nd / 3rd June – A Whole Lot of Racing Viceroys (Part 2)

Helen Blamey swam 1500m and was second in her age group, and 17th female overall out of 76  in the Human Race Open Water swim series race at Windsor. Her time was a reflection of the huge current – 41.57, of which she estimates 30mins of that was going upstream and 12 coming back!


Lloyd Cosgrove and John Sawers were flying the flag for VTC at the Swashbuckler down in the New Forest – 1.9km swim, 80km bike, 22km run. John came 65th overall (8th age group) in 4:55:18 just overtaking Lloyd on the final kms of the run, who came in at 4:58:50 placing 75th (21st in age group). John says: “This was an excellent race with stunning views out on the course and excellent organisation – recommended to anyone looking for their first stab past Olympic distance.”

2nd / 3rd June – A Whole Lot of Racing Viceroys (part 1)

Clarkie took part in the Brit Sprint Champs in Nottingham on Saturday. This was also the first of the 3 available qualifiers for places at the 2013 Grand Finals in Hyde Park. The racing was fast and furious; there were 7 qualifying places up for grabs in each wave. Alan was in the qualifying places until they hit the run where he lost about 8 places and finished 12th.  It was a great venue to race and you knew you were racing some of the best in the country. He has one more chance to qualify at end of the month in Bristol.

Mark Yeoman raced the MK sprint: the swim as fast and he pressed on hard with ex elite Stephen Harrison and they exited in around 8.30 mins for the 750m. Stephen looked to get away on the bike and Mark tried to keep in touch, coming in to T2 still in second, but around 1.30 down. “Harrison has wheels to burn so I looked to find a rhythm. I was soon over taken by a 20 year old whippet, but over the first lap I held the gap. However on the second, although I ran a negative split, I was pipped into 4th overall over the last 500m. Solid time over all and about 1min off 2nd. “