Erica – Youth Triathlon Success

Erica2Erica is 14 years old and a youth triathlete member. At Eton SS 19/05/13 she was 9th overall in women under 40 and was first out of the swim by 45 seconds! She actually had the 2nd fastest swim overall out of everyone!! Mark has been training her for 9 months now and todays race showed that the hard work is paying off.

Blenheim National Youth race is next – good luck Erica.

Cheeky Post Run Social – 30/05/13

After having run up and down the tow path past The Weir (Walton), we thought it was time to stop off for a quick drink after running on THURSDAY 30TH MAY. Bring a friend, come for a drink or dinner too – runners will be there from 8pm.viceroys2